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Glenfield Golden Oldies 19/3/2016

Glenfield Golden Oldies 19/3/2016

Rob Jones1 Mar 2016 - 04:53
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All over 35's past & present welcome to attend & play

Game Day Info:

Day: Saturday
Date: 19th of March 2016
Address: Glenfield Rugby Club, Segedin Pl. Glenfield

Team Manager briefing: 10.30am
Kick Off: 11am ish
Games Finish: 2.00pm ish (will try to get a variety of match ups for teams)


The rules are reasonably basic and based around ensuring the old fellas are able to play and are kept safe. Some of the rules are but not limited to:
1.There will be coloured shorts for different ages

- Red. Can be tackled but not taken to ground

- Gold and purple are not to be touch AT ALL. You hold your arms out to indicate a tackle and they then have about 3-5 seconds and they must pass the ball

- General club coloured shorts normal tackling allowed but REMEMBER this is for 35’s and over so common sense to be in action at all times

2.AT the tackle some the play goes to ground (one knee touches) then the team with the ball wins the ruck. NO BLOWING OVER. You take it to ground you win the ball back. If the player is reasonably and safely held up then it will be deemed a turn over as per the normal maul rulings.

3.You can only run 20 metres with the ball and then you must pass otherwise it is a penalty handover.

4.There is no kicking with exception of the restarts. If the ball is on the ground you cannot hack it ahead.

5.If a short lineout is call this means all in the lineout on their knees

6.Games will be 10 minute halves. Two teams start. After ten minutes one team drops off and another takes the field. After that ten minutes the team that has been on for two halves drops off and so on. Scores will be kept for the most tries scored to determine a winner (We hope).

7.Refs half arse decisions are final. Don’t be surprised if they see it completely different to what is occurring. Roll with it.

There will be a light snack provided and after match beers for the teams. Our bar will be open and our caterers will also be open. Hopefully that will cover everything off for the day.

Further reading