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COVID-19 | Behaviour During Training & Matches – Players & Coaches

COVID-19 | Behaviour During Training & Matches – Players & Coaches

Jeff Ball27 Aug 2020 - 09:30
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What to do during rugby league activity

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While training will involve close contact, this is due to all high risk planned activity having undertaken a risk assessment. Beyond the core training activity, all participants must adhere to the following:

  • Warm up - In preparation for play, the warm-up for all players should still adhere to social distancing guidance
  • During breaks - All participants must remain socially distanced during breaks in play with spaced areas for equipment and refreshment storage for everyone including officials and substitutes. Coaching staff and substitutes, should spread out.
  • Water Bottles - Water bottles or other refreshment containers should in no circumstances be shared. Participants are advised to bring their own, in a named container.
  • Equipment - The sharing of equipment must be avoided where possible, where equipment is shared, equipment must be cleaned before use by another person. This will include tackle bags and shields.
  • Pitch surroundings - Pitch surroundings such as post protectors and corner posts must be washed before, during half time and after.
  • Goal kickers - Goal kickers who use a kicking cone shall bring their own. It is their responsibility to collect this from the bench area. In an occurrence where the kicker changes and they do not have their own, then the original kicking cone should be well cleaned before it is shared.
  • Match kit - Participants should take their match kit home to wash it themselves, rather than have one person handling a large quantity of soiled materials. Where kit absolutely must be shared or kept together (e.g. lastminute stand-in players, shortage of kit, or an essential club function), each person handling it must wash or sanitise their hands immediately after.
  • Match Balls - rugby balls will be provided by the home club and sanitised regularly
  • Injuries - Injuries during play should still be treated as participant wellbeing is utmost. The best way to protect yourself and others is through rigorous cleaning, personal hygiene and regular hand hygiene. An increased frequency of cleaning and disinfection of all surfaces and equipment, using standard household cleaning and disinfection products, is recommended.
  • First Aid - Face Coverings and disposable gloves must be worn by the person administering first aid. After contact with an injured participant, clean your hands thoroughly with soap and water or alcohol hand sanitiser at the earliest opportunity. This advice is applicable to all situations, regardless of whether there was close contact, or the minimum 2 metre social distancing was maintained. Avoid touching your mouth, eyes, and nose.

After Rugby League Activity

  • After activity participants must maintain government mandated social distancing for social interaction. This includes when using any available changing rooms, showers, and any clubhouse facilities or other venue participants may congregate in afterwards.
  • All must exit via the pre-determined exit points.
  • Players and spectators should be off the premises within 30 minutes of the final whistle of their game/conclusion of training. This includes showering and changing for players.
  • After match refreshments will not be offered. Players from both teams must bring their own refreshments and eat them after leaving the facility.

If you have any questions, contact the club via social media, or speak to COVID Officer, Riya Mann on 07525424981, or Steve Beaty on 07984630083.

Further reading