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COVID-19 | Return to Play: Definitive What You Need To Know

COVID-19 | Return to Play: Definitive What You Need To Know

Jeff Ball27 Aug 2020 - 09:01
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Important information for all attendees.

Visit the COVID-19 Hub by clicking HERE

The club is planning to return to training on Saturday 5th September. This is subject to enough players wishing to participate and our ability to ensure all sessions are carried out safely.

The plan is for there to be non-contact training in September with contact activity in October and November, subject to RFL approval with the season concluding on 28th November. More details can be found HERE.

To do this, there are a number of procedures all members wishing to participate must undertake:

What to do before returning

- Ensure your child is (re)registered with the RFL - click HERE.
- On the club website, (re)join as a parent of your child, ensuring all details are correct. How to join - click HERE.
- Sign up to the monthly block of sessions. This payment ensures your child is insured. Sign up by clicking HERE.
- Complete and return the Player Declaration form. Click HERE.

For those who have been paying subs through 2020, please see HERE for more information about our options for the 2020 membership fees.

Pre-Attendance Symptom Check

All players, officials, volunteers and spectators must undergo a self-assessment for any COVID-19 symptoms. No-one should leave home to participate in sport if they, or someone they live with, has symptoms of COVID -19 currently recognised as any of the following:

  • A high temperature
  • A new, continuous cough
  • A loss of, or change to, their sense of smell or taste

Should an individual have demonstrated any such symptoms, they must follow NHS and PHE guidance on self-isolation

Pre-Attendance General Hygiene

All Individuals should:

• Wash their hands thoroughly before and after sessions (and when returning home);
• Use hand sanitiser at regular intervals (N.B. Children, particularly younger ones, are not always as aware about good hygiene, so special attention should be paid to children’s hand hygiene.)

Test & Trace

All participants (players, coaches, support staff) in the training session have responsibility to notify the Club COVID Officer (Jeff Ball) should they display symptoms of COVID-19 within 48 hours of a training session and or match.

  • Anyone with symptoms should ask for a test online or call to arrange a test by calling 119.
  • They must complete the test within 5 days of the symptoms starting.
  • Club Covid Officer to direct the infected individual to the National Government’s Test and Trace procedures. In England this will mean that individual will have a test within 48 hours.
  • In addition to the above advice, Club Covid Officer to contact all individuals that attended the training session and or match in question to advise that an individual within that group has reported symptoms.
  • If the individual is a coach, then all participants of all sessions will need to be contacted and informed that they must follow the Governments advice on self-isolation for 7 days
  • If a member of the club presents with symptoms within 48 hours of a training session/game, then training/practice/ matches played by the club must be suspended and a period of isolation as set out by the government followed, currently 7 days for an individual and 14 days for members of the household.
  • The name of the infected individual is not to be disclosed to protect anonymity.
  • All attendees of the session should be advised to isolate for 14 days (as per government guidelines) in case symptoms arise.

Behaviour at the Club – during training and playing

All participants (players, coaches, officials, volunteers and spectators) should observe the following:

  • Must abide by strict social distancing measures at all times, except during essential risk assessed training and matches, keeping a 2m distance between themselves and others at all times where reasonably practical in and out of the sporting environment.
  • Must ensure that there is no congregation in communal areas at the Club.
  • Must wear PPE as set out by RFL and/or the government.
  • Must carry out before and after use cleaning of equipment used as directed by the Club.
  • Must not share towels, clothing, water bottles, boots, headgear, guards, etc.
  • Must not share lip balm, suncream, shampoo or any other toiletry product.
  • Must not share disposables such as strapping etc.
  • Must not spit or chew gum.
  • Must avoid shouting or raising voices when facing each other during, before and after games.
  • As the virus is transmitted from respiratory secretions, mouthguard etiquette is very important. Players should refrain from touching or removing their mouthguard, and if they do so must wash their hands. Mouthguards must not be left on shared surfaces or public places but be placed in a personal container and stored with personal possessions.

Arriving at Training or Game

All attendees must confirm their intention to attend by the Wednesday before the session to allow us to ensure effective management of the new 30 person bubbles. Failure to do so will mean you cannot attend on the day.

Clubs should strictly limit the time spent congregating at a venue before activity begins. Meet-up times will reflect this. This includes arriving changed and ready to begin the warm up, if possible, to minimise time spent waiting or in holding areas. All bags and personal belongings should be kept in the car.

Upon arrival, you will be asked to sign a register, confirm you have no symptoms and undergo a temperature check. If your temperature is high, you will be given ten minutes and tested again. If it remains high, you will be asked to leave and follow government guidelines.

UPDATE: No spectators at training

Due to increased restrictions in the North East, no parents or guardians are allowed to spectate training sessions. We have a drop off and collection system in place. Please ensure your child is registered and joins the correct group before leaving. You may wait in the car park.

  • Each age group or match will have identified entry point and exit point with clear signage and use a one-way systems where possible.
  • Different groups will be assigned specified drop off and pick up times for different groups / teams linked to your kick off/start time to reduce crossover of players from different teams.
  • 2m spacing at entry points to filter players/coaches as they arrive.
  • Your temperature will be taken upon entry. If you have a high temperature, we will take your temperature again after ten minutes. If you still have a high temperature, you and those from your household will be asked to leave and follow government guidelines
  • All players must register their attendance upon arrival for track & trace

During Rugby League Activity

Further advice for players/coaches and spectators can be found below and must be adhered to:

Advice for players & Coaches click HERE
Advice for parents & spectators click HERE

After rugby league activity

  • After activity participants must maintain government mandated social distancing for social interaction. This includes when using any available changing rooms, showers, and any clubhouse facilities or other venue participants may congregate in afterwards.
  • All must exit via the pre-determined exit points.
  • Players and spectators should be off the premises within 30 minutes of the final whistle of their game/conclusion of training. This includes showering and changing for players.
  • After match refreshments will not be offered. Players from both teams must bring their own refreshments and eat them after leaving the facility.

If you have any questions, contact the club via social media, or speak to COVID Officer, Riya Mann on 07525424981, or Steve Beaty on 07984630083.

Further reading