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COVID-19 | Return to Play: Frequently Asked Questions

COVID-19 | Return to Play: Frequently Asked Questions

Jeff Ball27 Aug 2020 - 09:29
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To help you understand what is required.

Visit the COVID-19 Hub by clicking HERE

When are we returning to rugby league activity?

We aim to restart on Saturday 5th September. All activity will go ahead as planned as long as we can ensure it is viable from a health & safety and financial point of view.

What will we be doing?

Every junior age group will be guided by their own coaches in terms of specific activity but broadly the plan is non-contact training in September and full contact training and localised matches in October and November.

When will we find out who we are playing in October and November?

Moving to full contact activity is subject to RFL approval. Each club can choose to take part and at what age group. Some clubs have started training and some are yet to begin. By mid-September we should know who is participating.

Why do the RFL still need to approve the full contact activity?

Approval is subject to the success and safety of the non-contact training, overreaching government guidance and any localised measures put in place. For example, if an area is put into local lockdown, we are unlikely to go ahead with matches.

Will training and matches look different?

The actual activity will not but we are asking everyone to be mindful of the requirements before, during and after activity. These are in line with RFL and UK government guidance. More details can be found in the COVID-19 hub.

Is training and matches not risky given the close contact?

Yes, these are deemed high risk activities for which we have undertaken through risk assessments. The aim is not to remove the risk but reduce. No one is under any obligation to participate if they do not feel comfortable.

I think I have symptoms, what should I do?
If it is before training or matches then please do not attend and follow the government guidance. If it is during, please remove yourself from the activity and inform the club COVID Officer (Steve Beaty). If it is afterwards, within 48 hours, please again let the COVID Officer know.

What happens if someone at the club gets COVID-19?

If anyone shows symptoms within 48 hours they must notify the club and arrange to be tested.
The COVID Officer will contact all individuals to advise an individual has reported symptoms.
If a member of the club presents with symptoms within 48 hours of a training session/game, then training/practice/ matches played by the club must be suspended and a period of isolation as set out by the government followed, currently 7 days for an individual and 14 days for members of the household.

How much does it cost?

We are asking each member pay £10 a month. This will include at least four rugby league activities, be it matches or training.

Can I pay for all of them at once?

No, we are asking everyone pay on a monthly basis.

Should I sign up to all three months now?
No, we would encourage members to sign up as we go, as we do not know what the coming months hold.

I paid but I had to miss sessions due to self-isolation. Can I get a refund?
Yes, we will issue a no questions asked refund for the month in question. If the 14 days crosses into a second month, we will only be able to refund the first month when the isolation started.

I signed up but missed it for another reason. Can I get a refund?
Yes but we would ask everyone to be mindful of the increased cost the club is experiencing and the lost revenue from being inactive almost all year and so request that any refund requests are made in good faith.

If I have paid and Newcastle goes into local lockdown, will I get a refund?
Yes, if we are unable to put on the planned activity for an extended period (14 days +) then we shall issue all participants full refunds.

I have paid membership fees since the start of 2020. Can I get my money back?

Yes, for all existing members who have been paying fees, we are offering the options to DONATE to the club, take CREDIT for the 2021 season or request a full REFUND. You should have been contact by the club but if not, email Jeff Ball at

Further reading