Type North Tawton Rugby Football Club
1. To protect the sport and the player, the laws of rugby union, the DFRU code of conduct and the RFU disciplinary guidelines define what is unacceptable and set out the punishments that will be applied to those who transgress. North Tawton Rugby Club fully supports these laws and guidelines. It does not condone foul play and in particular referee abuse or retaliation.
2. The Club has a Disciplinary Committee with powers to suspend player/s up to the maximum of a life suspension and has fully delegated powers from the Main Committee to implement the Club’s policy and take any necessary action against individual players.
3. The Disciplinary Committee comprises:
The Disciplinary Committee Chairman, !st Team Captain, Member of the Main Committee, in cases involving female players a Ladies Chairperson will attend instead of the Playing Committee Chairman. In cases involving Junior Member/parents will instead be chaired by Welfare Officer.
4. The Disciplinary Committee Chairman /Ladies Chairperson/Welfare Officer will chair the meeting.
5. Any player subject to a disciplinary hearing may attend the club’s disciplinary hearing.
6. Players dismissed from the field of play will be suspended by the club prior to any hearing that may be required by the Devon Rugby Union.
7. The Club’s over-riding concerns is that its players play within the laws of the sport. Where disciplinary action is necessary the Club will do all in its power to establish the facts and to act fairly in the interest of the sport/club/player. However the Club does not appeal against dismissals of the players from the field of play, the Club accepting the decisions of the match official. The right of an individual player to appeal against a dismissal is accepted
8. The Club fully endorses the RFU Code of Conduct. Any player, club official or spectators will be expected to act with code in mind at all times. Anyone reported for referee abuse will be subject to a Disciplinary Committee hearing.