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Health, Safety & Risk Management Policy
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Health, Safety & Risk Management Policy
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1. Health, Safety & Risk Management Policy


Health, Safety & Risk Management Policy

The club has a duty to eliminate or minimise any actual or perceived risks to all its members. The club is strongly committed to encouraging its members to train hard and compete, but the health, wellbeing and safety of each individual is always our paramount concern.

In support of the club's Health, Safety & Risk Management Policy we are committed to the following duties:

• Undertake regular, recorded risk assessments of the club premises and all activities undertaken by the club.

• Create a safe environment by putting health & safety measures in place as identified by the assessments.

• Ensure all members are given the appropriate level of training and competence by regularly assessing individuals' ability dependant on age, maturity and development.

• Ensure that all members understand and follow the club's health & safety policy.

• Appoint a competent club member to assist with health & safety responsibilities.

• Ensure normal operating procedures and emergency operating procedures are in place and known to all members.

• Provide adequate first aid facilities, telephone and qualified first aiders at all times.

• Report any injuries or accidents sustained during any club activity or whilst on the club premises.

• Ensure the policy is reviewed regularly and monitored for effectiveness.

A club member has a duty to ensure the following:

• Take reasonable care for your own health & safety and that of others who may be affected by what you do or not do.

• Cooperate with the club on health & safety issues.

• Correctly use all equipment provided by the club.

• Do not interfere with or misuse anything provided for your health, safety and welfare.

This includes:

Playing and Training Areas

All means must be taken to ensure that all areas used for playing/training etc are safe and free from dangers and hazards, i.e. pot holes, sharp objects (stones glass), animal waste, uneven surfaces, puddles of water etc.

Medical Facilities

Adequate medical/first aid facilities and first aid boxes/packs as recommended by the RFU must be provided. Free access to these facilities and the playing area must be available at all times. Qualified first aid/medical personnel must be available during training/playing of games. Access for Ambulances must be available at all times. Access to a telephone (land line and/or mobile) must be available at all times. All injuries, accidents, incidents must be recorded on a club Accident Report Form and copies put into the club's Accident Book.

Playing Equipment

All training/playing equipment is fit for purpose and does not constitute a danger to anyone using it, i.e. scrum machines are maintained/serviced regularly and hold a current safety certificate, tackle bags/contact pads & suits, post protectors are all in good condition and must be suited to a player's

size and ability. Marker flag poles should flex on impact with no sharp edges, goal posts should be padded. All equipment must be checked prior to training sessions and matches.

Playing Development

The teaching/coaching or the playing development of players as well as the refereeing of the game of Rugby Football must be carried out under all RFU rules, regulations and directives. Careful consideration as to the age and ability of players must be taken when introducing or developing any contact skill or situation. All coaches must not ask or allow any adult or youth to take part in or help in training, playing or fun sessions of any kind, organised by the club, who does not have the relevant qualification, training or the club's authorisation to do so.

Clubhouse and Storage Areas

When any organised activities (quiz, dinner, disco, etc) a risk assessment of the area and furniture etc that is to be used plus the floor area, lighting, heating, security and emergency exits should be undertaken. Any dangerous or hazardous areas identified, must be cordoned off and clearly signed and quickly rectified. Emergency exits clearly identified and kept free, storage areas securely secured, fire extinguishers clearly visible and signed.

Ground Equipment

All ground equipment (tractors, mowers etc) and ground supplies (white lining material etc) are stored in a dedicated and secured area. Signs displaying "HAZARD KEEP OFF' should also be displayed.

The Risk Assessment Form & Procedure

A Risk Assessment Form' is available on NTRFC website. Each event organiser or team manager is required to complete one at every event and match, home or away. The completed form is to be passed to the Club Welfare Officer who will keep it on file for 12 months. These forms will be

analysed by the Club Welfare Officer who will identify and address any trends in conjunction with the club committee. In addition on a bimonthly basis the Director of Rugby in conjunction with the Club Coaching Coordinator will be responsible for undertaking an assessment of all training & playing

equipment and complete and sign the "Whole Club Equipment Assessment Form'. This form must be kept for 12 months from the date of inspection by the Director of Rugby. Any equipment deemed to be unsuitable must be removed from general access and reported to the main club committee. The committee must then decide whether the item(s) must be repaired, replaced or discarded.

General Conclusion

It is the responsibility of any coach, volunteer or club member, who becomes aware of any possible activity or areas of risk or danger inside buildings or outside within the boundary of the club's land, to resolve the risk if possible, suspend the activity, training or match if it is not and in all cases bring

the matter to the attention of the appropriate authority for urgent action.