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Winners BONUS from our sponsors FIRE & HEAT

Winners BONUS from our sponsors FIRE & HEAT

john blower21 Jun - 13:58
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250 Club News

In addition to our cash prize this months winners receive a VIP invitation to visit the Fire & Heat show room at Winsford for preferential deals across their product range. With added bonus if you cannot make the appointment this month you can pass the invite on to a family member or friend.
To browse the products, please visit click HERE

NRUFC Chairman Andy Naylor said "For Dan to come forward in the current climate and renew his sponsorship is a fantastic gesture and one which we appreciate very much. It is great to get a local business on board as this is a large part of what we are trying to achieve with everybody helping each other in the surrounding area."

250 Club Draw
Winning Balls drawn out by Matthew Fielder aged 9 years from the M&Js at half time of the England v Denmark Game.
1st Winner £100 Ball 73 Sam Naylor
2nd Winner £30 Ball 47 Sam Preece

Further reading