RFU Regulation 21 states that the RFU has jurisdiction to deal with any allegation of abuse of a child, any breach of the Safeguarding Policy and or any breach of Regulation 21.
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It is also a requirement that any person involved in Rugby Union must report all safeguarding concerns of which they become aware to the RFU Safeguarding Team.
Please make yourself familiar with RFU Regulation 21 and RFU Safeguarding Policy.
It is essential that concerns are dealt with in accordance with the RFU Policy and Regulations in order that the most appropriate manner of dealing can be assessed. Some incidents may need referral to Statutory Agencies such as police or children services which if the child is not in immediate danger the RFU Safeguarding Team will action.
On occasions even what appear to be low level concerns may require the RFU to seek initial advice from Statutory Agencies.
Concerns must be dealt with early on which means referring to the RFU at the earliest opportunity. This will effectively ensure that children are kept safe. Concerns may be delegated back to a club or CB to manage.
It is vitally important that no investigation is carried out by the club other than gathering information prior to informing the RFU. This is particularly important when considering whether any criminal offences have taken place. This is so as not to jeopardise any police investigation or criminal proceedings and also to preserve evidence. This is especially relevant when dealing with cases involving inappropriate use of the internet and social media.
When referring matters to the RFU Safeguarding Team please use the incident report form which can be found on -