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Youth Rugby Session Plan for Saturday 14 September 2013

Youth Rugby Session Plan for Saturday 14 September 2013

Donna Bunton13 Sep 2013 - 08:23
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The theme for this week is learning to fall and pick up from the ground. The session will start at 10.15am and finish at 11.15am.

Warm Up.

Tag belts on and split each group into two with different colour bibs.

All to move around a grid without a ball, avoiding each other. Look for change of direction etc and looking to get in the mix and not stick to the outside.

Demonstrate the fall with the different points of contact - No arms to go out is the key point. Jase you will be my demo man.

Introduce the ball:

Same exercise but shout parachutes every now and again and watch them fall to the floor. Progression if possible is to demonstrate the fall and put the ball behind but this may be a step too far.

Robbing the Nest game:

This practices them in awareness of the game situation but mostly how to pick up the ball from the floor. Looking for straight back, bent knees, wide stance etc.

Game is to place about 12 balls in the middle and they stand in four teams on 4 corners. The first few guys must take the balls from the centre nest until all balls from the centre have gone, after that they must steal from others by looking who has the most. The winners are the team with the most balls in their hoop (placed at each corner).

Back to parachutes and introduce picking the ball up from the faller once he/she has fallen. This brings it all together.... hopefully!!

Using the grids then do passing work across. 2 players must complete one pass whilst running across to the other side of the grid and handover to the next two. Keep this going and then introduce a static defender (tackle bag). If somebody is getting it use a live person who is allowed to put out their arms. This should give them a sense of space and when they can pass.

Relays - Usual fun and games.

Rugby netball using 4 goals (squares) within the large grid. Points are scored to the team who can pass to a member of their team who is in one of the squares within the grid. Progression is that they are allowed to run with it but if they are tagged they must stop and pass immediately. 3 tags ball over etc. Give extra points for great passes, vision etc.

If you should have any queries please do not hesitate to contact one of our Youth Coaches:

Lee Morris: 07868 977 723

Jase Humphries: 07976 566 058

James Read: 07917 669 222

Paul Tyrrell: 07736 063 910

Further reading