Teams of approximately 8-10 within a 15 x 15 grid.
Tag belts on.
Two defenders without a ball, all others with a ball.
Moving around the grid trying not to get tagged. If they do, they stand still with their arms outstretched.
Fastest pair to catch all the group.
Progression if suitable – Statues can be brought to life by their defenders touching them with the ball.
Passing Skills:
This will be in groups of 4.
Drills to include, passing around group, left and right, one-handed catching, introduction of two balls to group, clapping before receiving pass, passing up and down a line, standing on one leg.
Confirmatory Game – Piggy in the Middle:
X 2 players that need to stop the remainder of the group from passing to each other.
Key points will focus on: Movement of the ball, quality of the Pass and communication.
Trying to keep the ball away from selected players for 30 seconds and who can be the best at this?
To include such things as hopping, running backwards, round body, hot potato on the move, dribbling the ball, ball overhead, through the legs and leapfrog.
The Session will finish with:
Rugby Netball or a Tag Game, with very loose rules for everyone to get involved with.
If you should have any queries please do not hesitate to contact one of our Youth Coaches:
Lee Morris: 07868 977 723
Jase Humphries: 07976 566 058
James Read: 07917 669 222
Paul Tyrrell: 07736 063 910