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2023/24 Season Finale

2023/24 Season Finale

Duncan Kitts6 May - 16:35
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An Ossett win overall!!!

Ossett headed to Huddersfield full of the joys of spring as the sun was finally shining and the end of the very long season was in sight. We also welcomed Rose back to the black and red after her latest attempt at rugby retirement.

What was originally to be a tournament ended up being us v a Huddersfield and Beverley combined team playing cross pitch in three shorter games.

Huddersfield started strong with two tries but not to be outdone Ossett fought back with Alice going over twice.

The next score came from Ossett after Rose handed off six players on her way to the try line then passed to Alice to score her third. If there was a prize for best assist- this move would have won it!

Alice had been set a challenge before kick off to try and beat the current leading try scorer so she set about getting over for her fourth shortly followed by a score from Ella concluding the first game with an Ossett win.

In game two, resident centre/10 and captain Star finally got to live her dream and went in at prop packing down in the 3 v 3 scrum and giving it a good push. Only a minute later Izzie put the ball down over the try line to start Ossett’s scoring in the second match.

Huddersfield scored next with a brilliant run from a pacey new face but Ossett responded with Rose, Sarah, Alice and Izzie all scoring to win the us the second game.

By the third game everyone was a bit tired and the sun was hot but determined to still go and give it a go, Ossett re-set and awaited the opposition to return to the field.

Alice, taking this challenge seriously went over again but this was followed by two Huddersfield tries shortly after. The battle of the third game was on.

Alice went over again for her 7th and it was all equal until Huddersfield put the ball down again however Alice retaliated in kind with her 8th try of the day.

Rose scored Ossett’s last try of the day with Huddersfield scoring theirs two minutes later and the third game was a draw.

Did Alice beat the top try scorers record to secure the coveted trophy? Find out on Saturday…

An Ossett win overall!

Try scorers:
Alice x8
Izzie x2
Rose x2
Sarah x1
Ella x1

Players of the match:

Further reading