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Membership Subscriptions Now Due for 2023

Membership Subscriptions Now Due for 2023

Garry Adamson11 Apr 2023 - 06:06

Help your club by paying on time!

Following the positive feedback, we will continue with 3 categories of membership subscription in 2023.

Please could all players ensure they have paid up as soon as if they pay as soon as possible.

Here are the 3 options:

1. This standard option:

• Adult - £90
• Under-23 (or Student) - £50

Match Fees
• Adult - £12 per match
• Under-23 (or Student) - £10 per match

2. This next option is for players who would like to pay all fees up front. There are no match fees due with this type of subscription.

• Adult - £275
• Under-23 (or Student) - £175

Match Fees:

• Adult - £0 per match
• Under-23 (or Student) - £0 per match

3. This option is for players who don't play many games and is a low cost membership option. Match fees are higher as a result.

• Adult - £30
• Under-23 (or Student) - £20

Match Fees
• Adult - £17 per match
• Under-23 (or Student) - £15 per match

The committee would request that all pay this as soon as possible, the costs associated with running a cricket club are high and your support in keeping the finances in place to do so are appreciated.

Please pay by bank transfer or by giving the payment to a Committee Member.

Bank details:

Acct - 01059081
Sort code - 30-99-03
Please add your name as a reference so we can work out who has made the payment.

For more information about payment, contact Scott Lewis (

Further reading