PNSFC Safeguarding Policy

PNSFC Safeguarding Policy

Peterbororough Northern Star Football Club is committed to safeguarding the welfare of adults at risk and children. The Club expects and demands that all its staff, players, volunteers and visitors to the site share our commitment.

The Club believe that its staff, players, volunteers and visitors have a moral obligation to report any concerns about an adult or child at risk to the club.

Peterborough Northern Star Football Club is committed to ensuring that:

  1. The safety and welfare of adults at risk and children under the Club’s care is of paramount importance
  2. All adults at risk and children that are involved with Peterborough Northern Star Football Club, regardless of age, gender, language, culture, social background, disability, racial origin, religious beliefs and/or sexual identity have the right to safety and protection from abuse or harm in any form.
  3. All suspicions, reports and/or allegations of abuse will be treated seriously and be thoroughly investigated, which may involve the appropriate local authority where required.

If you ever have a concern about your own safety, the welfare or safety of a child, or adult at risk who engages in the Club's activities or a member of Club staff we have Welfare Officers designated to this area for the club.

The email to contact in regards to any of this is

Further advice and information in regards to Safeguarding via the FA and our County FA (Northants) can be found at,