Phoenix FC have a strict policy on player recruitment.
This policy is in place as the football club is currently bursting at the seams with most if not all teams currently upto capacity.
We do not accept "Turn Ups" these are the children have been told by a friend at school, who normally plays for Phoenix, that it is ok to come down to training.
It is NOT ok to just turn up to a training session.
The first port of call is for the child or parent in the team to ask that teams manager if it is ok for xxxx to come to training.
The manager will then either say yes or no.
If and hopefully yes, the manager will give the child/parent contact details for the club Secretary to pass on to the person wishing to come to training.
Contact then must be made to the club Secretary by the parent of the child wishing to come to training.
From there a decision will be given as to which team will be appropriate for the new player, this may not be the team the "friend" is in.
Team numbers are strictly limited to a set number for each age group.
5v5 = 10 team members = 14 max squad members training
7v7 = 11 Team members = 14 max squad members training
9v9 = 12 Team members = 14 max squad members training
11v11 = 16 Max Members= 16 max squad members training
***Numbers in particular squads maybe increased dependant on the numbers of coaches involved with each team***
Please note this is a club policy and supersedes any FA policy or requirements.
We will unfortunately have to turn away children who just turn up regardless of any protest made.
Getting a training place does not equate to having a team place, although we will endeavour for all children training to get game time when possible.
Phoenix FC is not a babysitting service and parents are actively encouraged to stay and watch their child train for the full session.