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Pulborough 1st Team Performance Update.

Pulborough 1st Team Performance Update.

Mike Fisher11 Feb 2020 - 21:08
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Since resuming the 2nd half of the season the 1st team have had mixed results.

Since resuming the 2nd half of the season the 1st team have had mixed results with two good wins at home vs Uckfield and Gillingham Anchorians and two close away losses vs both Aylesford and Heathfield .
We currently sit in outright 4th position in a 12 team league with Aylesford sitting 6 points behind on 41 points with a game in hand but have a tough fixture away to Bromley this week who are certainly chasing promotion for next year.
In my opinion it is fair to say that both Ashford and Folkestone will be promoted, so in terms of where Pulborough finish up, the goal I have set for the team is finishing in 3-4 position on the league ladder.
Our next 3 fixtures...kicking off 22nd February after a 2 week break see us with 2 away games against league dwellers Old Williamsonians and Parkhouse who both look destined for relegation but not to be taken lightly as any team in this league can win at home.
We then have another break and then back home to Vigo on the 21st March.
The challenge I put to the players with these 3 games is that we take away the maximum 15 points on offer.
The final 3 games see a much tougher task with Bromley away, Old Dunstonians at home and then back at Kent for the season ending game vs high flyers Ashford.
With a full squad of players available we a capable of a good result against all 3 sides.
Just on the squad of players used so far this season we have seen more consistency in terms of the selection process but in saying that, still have used 35 plus players this season which shows the depth in the senior ranks with the 2nd team travelling along nicely.
In the frontrow we lost both Matthew Blunden and Guy Baxter to season ending injuries which was a massive loss as both were so influential to the 1st team over many years. Fortunately both Terry Falk and Chris Whyte stepped up....improving immensely with every game and both Andy Bates and Dan Conway putting in great cameo efforts from the bench.
With both injuries mentioned above, we saw Harrison Short join the frontrowers club. Harry has been a class number 8 over many years but it is was only a matter of time when he went over to the dark side. With Harry's work ethic, power and skill I wouldn't trade him for any prop in the league.
At hooker young Max Ravaudet has been a consistent performer week in week out and manages to find the try-line on the odd occasion too.
The second row has been one of the hardest in terms of selection as we have so much depth within the club at 4 and 5. Matt Goring, Charlie Williams, Fenn Caddick (unfortunately Fenn broke his arm playing for the 2s last weekend) Sam Beesley, Ben O'Connor and Ben Sadler have all been outstanding. Ben has also made the transition to blind side flanker in the last 2 games running in 3 tries.
Backrow is all class....leading the way is open-side Joe Serna, Ollie Combes Tennent, Lewis Morton, Henry Lee, Ben Sadler, Chunky Jnr and Jack Leddra.
In the backs we have two very good 9s in Harry Bullock and young Hugh Ragg who have both been consistent performers throughout the season.
At flyhalf both Simon Burfiend and capt Frazer Oliphant Hope have shared the duties with Frazer on a number of occasions also playing in the centres. Frazers form has been exceptional this year and his partnership with Ollie Burnett in the centres has been immense.
The rest of the backline speaks for itself really. Pace to burn and consistent in terms of games played week to week. Brad Game, Henry Limpest, Ewan Callaway and Eddie Miller have all been exceptional.
Rounding it up I probably give the teams performance and position on the ladder a 7/10. How we finish the year is up to each squad players input and dedication to the team and training.
I can't emphasise how important it is to finish the year on a positive, as this will only add a massive boost to the 1st and 2nd team and the club leading into the following season.

Regards Dean

Further reading