In exercise of the powers conferred under the Constitution of Pakistan Cricket Board 2014, the Governing Board PCB is pleased to approve this Constitution for regulating the affairs of Cricket Clubs in Pakistan which shall be implemented by all Cricket Clubs within three months from the promulgation of this Constitution.
WHEREAS it is expedient to provide for the establishment, formation, operation and regulation of the affairs of Cricket Clubs in Pakistan, therefore, this Constitution hereby provides as follows:
1. NAME OF CLUBThe club shall be called “RAWAL KINGS CRICKET CLUB” cricket club with its Head office at House No Z.B 2780, Street No 3, Nawab Colony, Dhoke Hussu, Rawalpindi and registered with the District/Zonal Cricket Association
Namely ________________________________________________________________________.
2. OBJECTS OF CLUBThe objects and functions of the club shall be to:
i. Promote, control, manage, regulate and develop the game of cricket at the grass root level within its jurisdiction.
ii. Collect subscription or any other fees payable by its members and ensure that the same is utilized for the promotion of club cricket;
iii. Ensure that the Rules, Regulations as devised by the Board are implemented in letter and spirit in its jurisdiction.
iv. Generate funds, donations and subscriptions and utilize them in the manner as deemed expedient for achieving objectives and to maintain record of the same.
v. Ensure proper utilization of funds collected by or granted to it and to maintain record of the same.
vi. Undertake selection and formation of its cricket team to represent in tournaments in accordance of the Board’s policies;
vii. educate and ensure implementation of the applicable codes as devised or formulated by the Board and any other Board’s rules/regulations to/by its members/office bearers/officials and players; and
viii. Take all steps and measures deemed expedient for the development, management of cricket in the District/Zone and furtherance of the Objects of the club.
3.DEFINITIONSi. ‘Board’ means Pakistan Cricket Board established under S.R.O.43 (KE)/2014.
ii. ‘Committee(s)’ shall means the committee(s) established by the Executive Committee of the Club from time to time in the number as per its requirements for undertaking specific task(s).
iii. ‘Cricket Association’ means the relevant association as defined under the Pakistan Cricket Board (Regulations of Cricket Associations) as declared by the Board from time to time.
iv. ‘Defaulter’ means a person who has not submitted accounts with the PCB, as required by PCB; has failed to pay any fine sanctioned by PCB; or has failed to clear PCB or any Cricket Association’s dues as in charge of any department or association etc.
v. ‘Executive Committee’ shall mean the Executive Committee of the Club constituted under this Constitution.
vi. ‘General Body’ means and includes all members and elected office bearers of the Club.
vii. ‘Member’ shall means:
a. A player registered with the Club and whose name is borne as such in the membership book; and
b. The elected office bearers of the Club; and
c. Persons on whom honorary membership has been bestowed for the financial aid or other meritorious services extended or rendered by them. It is clarified that the honorary member(s) shall have no voting rights in elections of Club.
viii. ‘Office bearer’ shall mean the person elected as an office bearer of the club in accordance Paragraph 5 of this Constitution and notified by concerned Zonal/District Cricket Association as such.
ix. ‘Regulations” shall mean the Pakistan Cricket Board (Regulations of Cricket Associations) as formulated by the Board.
x. ‘Undertaking’ means the undertaking given by the office bearer(s) of the club under to the relevant Cricket Association.
4. OFFICE BEARERS OF CLUBThe following Office bearers shall be elected
i. President
ii. Vice President
iii. Secretary
iv. Joint Secretary
v. Treasurer5. QUALIFICATION OF OFFICE BEARERS OF CLUBa. Is a Pakistani citizen;
b. Is resident of the same District/Zone;
c. Is actively associated with the game of cricket in the area of his/her residence;
d. Does not have any criminal record and/or has not been fined by any competent court of law in any form whatsoever;
e. Is not a Defaulter;
f. In case a defaulter candidate clears his dues prior to the date of election and present his No Demand Certificate (NDC), he/she be eligible to contest elections;
g. Is not office bearer of more than one club; and
h. While representing a club in a District/Zone shall not associate/affiliate/participate/represent a club of any other District/Zone in any capacity whatsoever.
6. ELECTION OF OFFICE BEARERSElection of the Office Bearers of the Club:
i. The tenure of the office bearers shall be 3 years unless terminated earlier in the manner prescribed under the law, rules and Regulations.
ii. Election process must be initiated 15 days prior to the expiry of tenure of office bearers. In this regard special meeting of the playing members of the club shall be convened and for this 7 days notice shall be given to all playing members of the club and quorum for this meeting shall be 3/4. A copy of the minutes of the special meeting along with attendance marked with CNIC of the members of the club shall be recorded and submitted to the District/Zonal Cricket Association
iii. One of the representatives of the DCA/Zonal Cricket Association shall supervise the elections upon request in writing of the majority of the registered members of the Club.
iv. Only the registered playing members of the Club as defined under Paragraph 3 (vii) (a) of this Constitution shall be eligible to cast their votes. There shall be no proxy voting.
v. The following shall not be allowed to cast vote.
a. Members in default unless they clear their dues within one week after the issuance of the election schedule,
b. Registered playing Member removed from the Club by Executive Committee pursuant to disciplinary action.
7. MEMBERSHIP7.1 The Club may offer such categories of membership with such privileges, rights and duties attaching thereto as the Executive Committee may from time to time determine.
7.2 ADMISSION TO MEMBERSHIP OF CLUBi. The admission of members shall be vested in and under the control of the Executive Committee.
ii. Applications for membership shall be submitted on the prescribed form Annexure “A”(obtained from the Secretary) approved from time to time by the Board.
iii. The admission of an applicant to membership of the Club shall be forthwith notified to him and to the District/Zonal Cricket Association by the Secretary of the Club.
iv. The Executive Committee shall have the power to accept or reject any application submitted for membership in its absolute discretion and the Secretary of the Club shall notify the applicant accordingly. In the case of rejection the Club shall be under no obligation to give any reason or reasons for such rejection and the fee (if any) and annual subscription fee shall be returned to the applicant.
7.3 HONORARY LIFE MEMBERSi. Honorary Life membership may be bestowed by the General Body on recommendation of the Executive Committee for commendable services to the Club or generally for the game of cricket.
ii. No subscription fee shall be charged from the Honorary Life Member.
iii. The Honorary Life Member shall have no right to vote in any election or meetings of General Body of the Club.
7.4 GENERALi. Where a player wants to terminate his membership for whatsoever reason, he shall obtain a NOC to the said effect from its Club.
ii. The Club registering a player shall seek NOC from him where the player has previously been affiliated as member with any other club, in the absence of the same, registration as member shall not be valid. In any other case, NOC shall not be required.
iii. It is the duty of each member to notify the Secretary of the Club of his current address and of any change in such address as soon as it occurs.
8. COMPOSITION OF CLUBThe Club shall comprise the following:
i. General Body
ii. Executive Committee8.1. GENERAL BODY
There shall be a General Body of the club which shall consist of the Members of the Club, including the elected office bearers and the Honorary Life Members.
a) The General Body must ensure the compliance of provisions as contained in rules, regulations, byelaws, Constitution of District/Zonal Cricket Association/Regional/City Cricket Association/PCB or instructions issued by them from time to time.
b) The General Body shall approve the annual budget estimate, program, membership and audit report.
c) The General Body shall appoint Coach and Manager by simple majority on the recommendations made by Executive Committee.
8.1.2. ANNUAL GENERAL MEETINGa) The Club shall hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) within 30 days of commencement of each financial year.
b) The AGM shall ordinarily convene at the head office of the Club or at such place as decided by the Executive Committee.
c) The notices to call AGM shall be issued under the signature of the Secretary of the Club to the members or any other persons entitled to attend to at least fifteen days prior to the date of meeting. The notice shall clearly mention the date, time and venue of the AGM, and shall contain the agenda thereof.
d) The Club shall submit the copy of confirmed minutes of the Annual General Meeting to the relevant District/Zonal Cricket Association within 15 days of the meeting.
8.1.3 EXTRA ORDINARY GENERAL MEETING (EGM)The Secretary of the Club shall, on written request of not less than 41 % of the total number of members call an Extra Ordinary Meeting of the General Body for which notice to the members and office bearers shall be issued at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. The notice shall be in writing accompanied with agenda of the meeting and sent through courier or hand delivered.
8.1.4 QUORUMa) Fifty One Percent (51%) of the total members of the General Body shall constitute quorum of the AGM or EGM.
b) If at any meeting, the quorum is less than 51% of the total member of the general body, the meeting shall be adjourned to a day not earlier than seven days there format the same venue. Provided always that the members who were not present at the first meeting shall be given notice to the adjourned meeting.
8.1.5 PLACE OF MEETINGSUnless the Secretary of the Club otherwise directs, all meetings of the General Body shall be held at the head office of the Club.
8.2. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEThere shall be an Executive Committee consisting of President, Vice President, Secretary, Joint Secretary, Treasurer, and two elected representatives from the registered players.
8.2.1. POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEa) The Executive Committee shall administer and manage the property of the club in the Club’s name;
b) The Executive Committee shall fix tournament participation/match (as the case may be) fee payable by the Club to the players, subscription fee to be payable by the members, registration fee for new members;
c) The Executive Committee shall meet at least quarterly during a calendar year. If Not less than 1/3rd members of the Executive Committee make a request to the President/Secretary of the Club in writing to convene a special meeting of Executive Committee, specifying the agenda proposed to be discussed at such meeting such meeting shall be convened within 7 days of receipt of such request;
d) The Executive Committee may constitute a selection committee and any other subcommittee(s) for carrying out specific functions of the club;
e) To make recommendations to the General Body for appointment of coach and manager for its club cricket team;
f) To take such other steps as may be necessary and expedient to carry out and achieve the aims and objects of the Club;
g) To fix the amount(s) of money to be kept by the Treasurer for day to day expenditure of the Club or for any specific purpose;
h) Take appropriate disciplinary action against any club member in case of default, violation of rules, indiscipline, unjustified absence and impose suitable penalty (ies); and
i) The Executive Committee shall chalk out a schedule of matches/tournaments and net practice in the beginning of a calendar year (January to December) to be played/organized during the year and communicate it to the concerned Zonal/District Cricket Association in timely manner.
8.2.2. MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEThe Executive Committee shall meet as often as deemed necessary for the business of the Club for which the members of the Executive Committee shall be invited by the Secretary through written notice. The minutes of the meeting shall be recorded and maintained by the Secretary which shall be made available to the District/Zonal Cricket Association, if required.
8.2.3. SPECIAL MEETING OF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE BY REQUISITIONNot less than fifty percent members of the Executive Committee may in writing, make a request to the President/Secretary to convene a special meeting of the Executive Committee, specifying the agenda proposed to be discussed at such meeting. Such meeting shall be convened within seven days of the receipt of such request.
8.2.4. QUORUMThe quorum of any meeting of the Executive Committee shall be 50% of the total number of members.
9. REMOVAL OF CLUB OFFICE BEARERSAn elected Office Bearer shall only be removed in accordance with the following procedure:
i. A resolution shall only be moved if signed by at least 50% of the playing members.
ii. Detailed reasons for removal of elected office bearer shall be given in the resolution.
iii. 7 days’ notice along with a copy of the resolution to this effect shall be served to the Office Bearer against whom such resolution has been moved with a copy to the concerned Association and a written request to the concerned Association to nominate a representative to monitor the resolution.
iv. A resolution to the said effect shall be passed by 3/4th majority of the playing members of the club.
v. Minutes of the special meeting, wherein, such resolution is passed along with attendance marked with CNIC of the members of the club shall be recorded and copy of the proceedings shall be submitted to the District/Zonal Cricket Association.
vi. Annexure B of the Club Information and Data Performa (“CIDP”) shall be filled in afresh, signed by at least two members and submitted to the concerned District/Zonal Cricket Association which shall provide copies of the same to its Regional Cricket Association within seven (7) days. Copy of the same shall be maintained by the Club.
vii. The election for such seat of the club shall be held within 15 days of the office falling vacant and election result shall be intimated to all concerned.
10. POWERS OF THE OFFICE BEARERSI. PRESIDENTa. He shall preside over all the meeting(s) and shall be the ‘Chief Executive’ of the club.
b. He may direct the Secretary to summon meeting(s).
c. He shall have the casting vote(s) only in the meeting(s) of General Body / Executive Committee and any other meeting(s).
d. He shall exercise financial powers as prescribed by the Executive Committee.
e. He shall carry out all correspondence with the District/Zonal Cricket Association on behalf of the Club.
f. He shall implement all the decisions/directions of the General Body and Executive Committee in their letter and spirit.
II. VICE PRESIDENTa. He shall perform his duties in accordance with the instructions of the President and in the absence of the president he will perform the functions in the said capacity.
III. SECRETARYa. The Secretary shall be responsible for coordinating and executing policies of the Club and perform such functions as may be prescribed or assigned by the Executive Committee.
b. The Secretary shall carry out day to day affairs of the club and shall maintain records, registers, etc. and any other functions ordinarily undertaken by secretaries.
IV. JOINT SECRETARYHe shall perform the duties assigned to him by the Secretary and in his absence; he will look after the affairs of office of Secretary.
V. TREASURERa. He shall manage and maintain finances of the club.
b. He shall prepare statement of accounts at the end of each month and shall present it before the Executive Committee in its Quarterly meeting for approval.
c. He shall prepare budget in collaboration with the President and Secretary for upcoming Financial Year and submit the same to the General Body for necessary approval.
d. He shall open only one account of the club in the Club’s name, from which all expenses would be met.
e. He shall be one of the signatories of club account in connection with all Financial Transactions.
f. The account of club will be operated jointly by Treasurer and either of President or Secretary.
11. UNDERTAKING BY THE OFFICE BEARERSEvery office bearer of a Club shall give an undertaking to the DCA/Zonal Cricket Association (copy of which shall also be provided to the Board) upon his being elected, to the effect that:
i. He shall strive to achieve the objectives and purpose of the Board;
ii. He shall abide by the Rules, Regulations and any directives formulated or issued, from time to time, by the Board;
iii. He shall not criticize the Pakistan Cricket Board or any of its functionaries or Member(s) in/on any media platform.
iv. He shall not hold any press conference, meeting, protest or participate in any procession, display any placard etc. against the Board and its officials at any private or public venue, individually or collectively.
v. He shall abide by the directions of the Board.
vi. In case of violation of any provision thereof, by any office bearer for the first time, a warning will be issued by the relevant Cricket Association or PCB to the concerned office bearer and in case of its repetition, he shall be held ineligible to hold the office for one year.
The Board may, in its sole discretion, modify the contents of the above undertaking from time to time.
12. SELECTION OF TEAMi. There shall be a Selection Committee appointed by the Executive Committee who shall be responsible for selection of a club team for representation in any tournament(s)/match(es).
ii. The Selection Committee shall also have the power to appoint captain of the club cricket team.
13. NET PRACTICEi. The net practice shall be carried out at CARRIAGE FACTORY GROUND I.J.P ROAD, RAWALPINDI in which all the registered members of the club can practice.
ii. The schedule of the net practice shall be given by the coach from time to time.
14. COACHi. Shall be responsible for the training and coaching of players.
ii. Shall keep performance record of players accordingly.
iii. All matches, trainings, tournaments, tours, selections, functions, coaching clinics shall be designed, executed and managed with the consent of coach and under the approval of the President.
15. Funds of the Clubi. The funds of the club may comprise of Subscription fee, Registration, Renewal Fee and all other monies/funds payable to, or receivable by the Club.
ii. The financial year of the club shall be from 1stJuly to 30thJune. Subject to clause 7.2.1 (ii) every club member shall have to pay registration fee (at the time of registration), of membership fee, fixed by the Executive Committee.
16. Change of Club NameFollowing requirements shall be fulfilled by the club wishing to change its name:
i) A resolution to the effect that the club wishes to change its name shall be passed by the general body which shall be signed by the members with copies of their CNICs. Provided that such resolution shall be passed with 3/4th of the total voting members of the general body of the club.
ii) The fee amounting to PKR. 5000/- (Pakistan Rupees Five Thousand only) shall be paid by the club in the name of District/Zonal Cricket Association in the amount as prescribed by the Board, from time to time.
iii) Club Information and Data Proformas (CIDP) to be prepared de novo and attested copies sent to Regional/City Cricket Association, District/Zonal Cricket Association and PCB followed by issuance of notification by the District/Zonal Cricket Association confirming change of name of the club. The copies of such notification shall be provided to the club, District/Zonal Cricket Association, Regional/City Cricket Association and the Board.
iv) The change of name of the club shall only be effective upon issuance of notification by District/Zonal Cricket Association. If the concerned District/Zonal Cricket Association fails to issue a notification declaring the change of club name despite the fulfillment of the above criteria within 30 days, the change of club name will be deemed to be effective thereafter.
17. CASUAL VACANCY:A causal vacancy occurring due to death, no confidence, removal, disability or resignation (or for any other reason) of any office bearer of the Club shall be filled in through election for remaining term of such vacant seat which shall be held under the supervision of the DCA/Zonal Cricket Association. The intimation regarding vacancy of seat shall be sent to the DCA//Zonal Cricket Association within 7 days of the occurring thereof and elections of the concerned vacant seat shall be held in within 30 days in accordance with prescribed procedure.
DATED ________________
Sr.No Name Father’s Name Designation CNIC # Contact # Signature
Any dispute(s) pertaining to the club shall be referred to the Executive Committee of the Club in writing, which shall adjudicate the dispute in accordance with the principles of natural justice, and shall give a reasoned order in writing after providing an opportunity of hearing to concerned parties. Provided always that any dispute(s) among the office-bearers shall be referred in writing to the relevant District/Zonal Cricket Association who shall adjudicate upon the same in manner provided hereinabove.
19. Amendment in ConstitutionThe BOG may amend, alter, or modify this model constitution from time to time, if deemed necessary.
20. REMOVAL OF DIFFICULTIES OR DOUBTSIf any difficulty or doubt arises in giving effect to any provisions of this Constitution, the Election Commission, may make such order to be necessary or expedient for the purpose of removing any such difficulty or doubt as the case may be.
Carriage Factory Cricket Ground I.J.P Road, Rawalpindi
Malik Iftikhar Ahmed
Cell No: 0333-5186847 Signatures: ______
PRESIDENT ID # 37405-0351539-7
Syed Ibrar Hussain Shah
Cell No: 03005599014 Signatures:______________
VOICE PRESIDENT ID # 37405-0766869-5
Chaudhary Ashfaq Haider
Cell No: 0306-5055551 Signatures:______________
GENERAL SECRETARY ID # 37405-5492342-7
Syed Sattar Ahmed Shah
Cell No: 0300-9763686 Signatures:______________
JOINT SECRETARY ID # 45504-3511825-3
Muhammad Zahid
Cell No: 0315-5199350 Signatures:______________
TREASURER ID # 37405-0299914-9
Zahid Mahmood
Cell No: 0345-5058897 Signatures:______________
CAPTAIN ID # 37405-0844295-3
Nouman Ali
Cell No: 0300-5694779 Signatures:______________
VIOCE CAPTAIN ID # 37405-5104213-7
Naveed Ahmed
Cell No: Signatures:______________