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Eagles Promoted To Division 1

Eagles Promoted To Division 1

Andy McGowan10 Aug 2015 - 16:55

Redditch Eagles Celebrate A Hat Trick Of Good News

Redditch Eagles Under 13s have been their promoted to Division 1 of the Central Warwickshire League, signed two new players and agreed two new sponsorship deals.

Siljan Isufi joins from Redditch Utd and Kai Harris from Headless Crosss.

The club will be sponsored by two local businesses, Nick Harris of HD Property Services and Aimee Morris of APN Recruitment. Coach Andy McGowan said “Much like Nick and Aimee we rely on word of mouth reputation in the local area and treat our players and parents as important customers. Their generosity is down to what they have seen and heard about the club from other people”

Eagles kick off their League season on 6 September.

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