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Preseason Chairman's Report 31/07/2018

Preseason Chairman's Report 31/07/2018

Yasmin Duckworth31 Jul 2018 - 08:00

We will continue to emphasise the club’s importance within the community and work to enhance the experience at our ground.

I always have high expectations and will not accept anything short of promotion this season.
- Nik Springthorpe

From the chairman
The past six months have seen a significant turnaround for Retford United FC; in May this year it was announced I would be taking over as Chairman for the football club and I feel confident in saying the club has come on tremendously in such a short space of time thanks to the help and dedication of the team working alongside me.

I am committed to building a strong foundation for the season ahead to ensure the success of the club. Our players are showing the strength and determination needed to become champions and the optimistic spirit from the supporters will help drive us to achieve our goal.

The next steps I am focusing on are better investments to sustain the club, improving facilities and ensuring operational stability; I will continue to have huge involvement within every aspect of the Club to ensure Retford United FC are a huge success.

For the first time in many years, the club is officially debt free. This means all income will be invested back into the club.
Revenue will be generated by various methods such as:
• Club sponsorships.
• Profit from bar & food sales.
• Events ran by the club such as bonfire night and Christmas events.
• Income from the local public renting the 2018 Lounge for personal uses & events.

Retford United FC have now established an executive operating committee being Football, Estates, Finance and Internal. This approach has made for a more streamlined structure with faster decision making.

The club’s website has been updated and is due to launch before the 2018/19 season, with the social media account also continuing to be an integral form of communication. We will soon be introducing new club merchandise online too.

Maximising use of facilities at the club will be a huge focus over the next few years; the 2018 Lounge launched earlier in 2018 and there are already plans underway for a 4G pitch to be ready by 2021.

A number of Retford United FC’s training pitches are currently undergoing renovation, which will allow the junior teams to come back to the home ground.

We will be reviewing all the club facilities over the up and coming season to ensure they align with needs and demands; a number of developments have already been added to our strategy.

Membership of the Club is currently at 30 members. The introduction of the new membership scheme offers entry to home league & friendly games for first-team matches, ladies team matches and reserves/U19 matches. Season ticket holders will also receive a free social club membership which provides them with a discount on selected drinks in the 2018 Lounge automatic entry into a £100 monthly season draw, discounts on events held at Retford United FC and discount on room hire for parties.

All these benefits are available for a competitive price of £60 for adults and £40 for concessions.

To purchase your season ticket, please contact

The club now has a range of sponsorship opportunities available which offer different levels of support at various prices:
1. Match of the day sponsor (£100).
2. Individual player sponsor for the season; you will receive a mention on our website, social media & in our programme each match (£100).
3. Company banner displayed behind the goal (£200).
4. Pitch sideboards, company name on club website & present on social media (£550).
5. Designated personalised parking space, company name on website & present on social media (£600).
6. Both of the above plus an advert in our programme each week (£750).
7. Stand sponsor (£6,000)
All packages offer various levels of exposure for businesses and allow you to become part of the RUFC journey. For more details, please contact

Preparing for the season ahead, our focus is to deliver great results as well as to create an environment whereby players of all ages and abilities can develop their football skills. As a club, we will learn from our previous mistakes and move forward with extra wisdom and experience to ensure we achieve our goal.

We will continue to emphasise the club’s importance within the community and work to enhance the experience at our ground for all players, supporters and visiting teams.
Finally, I would like to thank and recognise the huge contribution made by the team at Retford United FC by the committee and the volunteers. Without these individuals, the Club would simply not be where it is now; at the beginning of a path to success. Retford United FC has become an established part of local football, as well as a key element of the community, so everyone who has shown support and involvement, my sincerest thank you.
As a business leader of successful companies, I always have high expectations and will not accept anything short of promotion this season. I am, however, very confident in all concerned. So no pressure then!!! ??

Further reading