1. Organisation
The Organisation shall be called Rushmoor Netball Club. (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Club’).
2. Formation
The Club is formed as a voluntary body for the development and participation of the amateur sport of netball.
3. Aim
The aim of the Club is to provide training and appropriate competition for all club members and to develop relationships with Schools, North East Hampshire Partnership, Rushmoor Borough Council and Netball Development Officers.
4. Funding
4.1 To raise funds by charging a subscription to all members, subscriptions are to be agreed at the AGM.
4.2 To raise funds by any lawful means.
4.3 To receive sponsorship.
4.4 To receive donations towards the operating costs.
5. Committee
A committee shall be made up of the following Officers:
Vice Chairman
Team Captain/Representative
6. Meetings
6.1 Annual General Meeting (AGM)
An AGM will be held each year to report on the year’s activities and to elect the Officers of the Committee. 14 days notice is to be given to all members of the club.
6.2 Quarterly Meetings
The Officers and Team Captains/Representative shall meet quarterly to review the activities of the club, confirm team selection and to set objectives for the following quarter.
6.3 Extraordinary Meeting
An extraordinary meeting can be called, if requested, by any Officer of the club. 14 days notice is to be given to all members of the club.
6.4 Voting
Voting shall be a show of hands, all attendees shall be eligible to vote. In the case of a tied vote the Chairman shall have the casting vote.
6.5 Quorum
Meetings shall have a quorum of four members.
7. Dissolution
In the event of winding up, or dissolution, of the Club, any monies and equipment shall be given or transferred to other netball clubs at the discretion of the Committee.
8. Alterations to the Constitution
Any proposals to alter the constitution must be delivered to the Chairman in writing not less than 7 days before the date of the meeting at which it is first to be considered. Any alteration will require the approval of not less than two thirds of the Committee.
The above constitution was accepted at the clubs Annual General Meeting