Going behind the scenes opening the changing room doors to see what lies beneath.
Q1. You need to take a road trip but must take three team-mates. Who gets the call?
CM. Has to be Dan Meyrick, Nick Reilly and William Bishop, Dan because I’ve known him the longest and is a good mate of mine. Nick and Will would provide the jokes making it bearable.
Q2. Who wouldn't come along for the ride?
CM. Couldn’t see Jake Tabor loving a long journey…but who knows.
Q3. Who would be banned from touching the car stereo?
CM. Nick Reilly, his music taste is stuck in the 2000’s.
Q4. Who is a manager in the making?
CM. Would be close between Nick Reilly, Craig Woollard and Marcus Rivers, but I think Craig Woollard takes it. Seems like that kind of guy, he loves helping Loaksey out as well for brownie points.
Q5. But which one is the least likely to do the job?
CM. Can I vote for Tom Shurville on this one? If not, out of the lads I don’t think Liam Wyatt would want to be a manager. If you do, you need to step it up mate.
Q6. Who is the Sarratt dressing room joker?
CM. Think Nick Reilly has to take this one, don’t want to make his head much bigger but he has a funny joke or two.
Q7. Who can't step away from the mirror?
CM. Will Bishop
Q8. Who would you consider your best mate in the squad?
CM. Dan Meyrick, known him for ten plus years and is a good mate of mine, in and outside of Sarratt.
Q9. Who's the most dedicated top trainer who puts you all to shame?
CM. Jake Tabor, always 110%.
Q10. What are you enjoying most this season?
CM. Actually winning to be honest.
Q11. You have been at Sarratt a couple of years now, how are you finding the changes this year?
CM. The changes are good from last year, seem to have a dedicated squad that are willing to turn up week in, week out (apart from some…Liam Wyatt) and we’re getting some really good results.