Q1. You need to take a road trip but must take three team-mates. Who gets the call?
IM. Tom Shurville the Chairman, Richard Vercesi and the Gaffa Loaksey. I figure with us three all away there won’t be any games I’ll miss.
Q2. Who wouldn't come along for the ride?
IM. Shaun Powell: I’m not sure he’d say anything…at all!
Q3. Who would be banned from touching the car stereo?
IM. Nick Reilly: too much punk rock and that Barnet. Nobody should choose music with that mullet.
Q4. Who is a manager in the making?
IM. Myself: Captain (ex), leader and legend.
Q5. But which one is the least likely to do the job?
IM. Connor McCloskey: he’d be late to every game.
Q6. Who is the Sarratt dressing room joker?
IM. Probably Liam Wyatt or Richard Vercesi have caught me out with a couple of pre pranks lately.
Q7. Who can't step away from the mirror?
IM. Nam: always the last one out of the showers.
Q8. Who would you consider your best mate in the squad?
IM. We’re all good mates. A couple of the senior pros have been around for a few seasons now but we’ve got a decent chemistry in the dressing room.
Q9. Who's the most dedicated top trainer who puts you all to shame?
IM. Best trainer: has to be me. Regularly five days a week with extra sessions. Just a shame nobody sees them.
Q10. What are you enjoying most this season?
IM. Enjoying turning up every week knowing we’re capable of beating any team. Plus the new goals, introduction of hot meals. With particular reference to the spag bowl and cold stongbow ciders after the match.
Q11. How are you enjoying your new role as Club Captain?
IM. Really enjoying my new role as Club Captain. It’s nice to oversee the terrible attempts of Nick Reilly collecting subs and gives me time to help Mick and the team clear up in the kitchen instead, especially if the wife doesn’t turn up to help out. My focus is instead on a weekly clean sheet.