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Shannon Season Launch

Shannon Season Launch

Katie McCloskey21 Sep 2017 - 09:02

Come and help us kick off the new season.

We are delighted to officially launch our UBL Season this Saturday!

To celebrate we will be holding an all day event in the Shannon Clubhouse in conjunction with our first home UBL match v Old Belvedere.

To begin, we are holding our usual fantastic pre-match meal. Three courses for €20. We will be sitting down for dinner at 1pm. There has been a huge take up of places already so if you want to attend booking is essential. Contact Kevin on 087-4187385 to book your spot.

After dinner we will take in the match and afterwards we are welcoming everyone back into our clubhouse. There will be speeches, finger food and live music and there will be a few familiar faces in attendance too.

We are hoping that all of our supporters cab make it and look forwarding to celebrating another successful day in our history.

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