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Membership 1 of 4

1. Membership to Sheffield RUFC

All Players of Rugby at Sheffield RUFC MUST have a current membership of Sheffield RUFC.

From When to When?
Membership schemes run from 1st Spetember to 31st August.

What Memberships are available to me?
Sheffield RUFC has 4 Membership schemes for male and female players and supporters or volenteers: Click here for details Membership Schemes

When to join Sheffield RUFC?
New players are allowed 3 taster sessions FOC afterwhich they must decide whether or not to join the club. Membership must be purchased before playing in a competitive game. Players without membership are not insured.

How to Buy Membership to Sheffield RUFC?
Membership to Sheffield RUFC can be purchased through your GMS account on the RFU website. Please login to your account and Buy Membership.

Game time & Fixtures.
Our coaches are encouraged to follow the RFU guidline for game time. All teams have a fixture list of games arranged prior to the season. For information about fixtures please contact the relevant fixture secretary

Food for Players and Opponents.
Membership includes post training food for senior players and post match food for Junior players and their opponents. All food is provided by ASSC and Omega at Abbeydale paid for out of your membership.

Membership to ASSC
All membership schemes include social membership to Abbeydale Sports & Social Club (ASSC). Capitation cost for 2019/20 are £50/+18 yrs & £25/-18 yrs paid out out of your membership. ASSC Membership benefit is a 10% discount for all bar purchases.

Coaches Membership
All coaches / coaching squad must be members of Sheffield RUFC to ensure that they are insured on the field of play. Membership includes membership to ASSC the remaining funds (£5) contributes towards coaching qualifications.