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A Message From The Disciplinary Committee

A Message From The Disciplinary Committee

Callum Robinson20 Sep 2022 - 15:00
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Please respect everyone, from officials to opponents to supporters, at all times!

We are sure that like the club and disciplinary committee, you are enjoying rugby being back and are looking forward to the rest of the season.

In recent years our club disciplinary record has been outstanding, and we hope this continues. However, being at the start of the season there are certain areas that we wish to highlight to everyone.

Please be aware:

Abuse of match officials

Match Official Abuse (MOA) levels across the game of rugby have begun to reach unacceptable levels. We as a club and sport as a whole must ensure we all uphold the core RFU values: Teamwork, Respect, Enjoyment, Discipline and Sportsmanship.

Abuse of referees both on the pitch and from the sidelines will not be tolerated by the RFU nor by Sheffield RUFC. At our level, from the first team to our minis, referees are not full-time professionals. Remember, without referees there would be no games!

This season, match officials have been asked to take a firmer position with players, coaches and supporters who disrespect or abuse any match official.

Approaching Match Officials

No person (other than the match officials team or match officials coach) shall approach the match officials at any time during the half-time interval and up to 30 minutes after the match to discuss any issue arising from the match, nor shall anyone enter the referee’s changing room unless invited to do so by the referee.

High Tackles

At all levels, referees will be enforcing the high tackle law.

In adult rugby, it is forbidden to make contact above the line of the shoulders even if the tackle starts below the line of the shoulders.

In youth rugby, where tackling is permitted, the tackle must be made lower than an imaginary line between the armpits.

Entering the Field of Play

At no point should ANY spectator, parent, coach, substitute, or physio enter the field of play unless given permission by the referee. This is particularly relevant to minis and juniors when individuals can become “emotionally involved.”

It is important that coaches and team managers are able to de-escalate potential situations quickly.

Player Management – All Levels from First Team to Minis

Should it become obvious a player has “lost their head” or “lost personal control” it is much better to make a substitution rather than risk that player being given a red card. All coaches, team managers and captains should be aware of this.

Red Card

If a player is sent off, coaches, team captains or managers should ensure that the player apologises to both the referee and the opposition (either their captain or the opposition player involved).

Any players sent off should not get involved in a discussion with a match official no matter how aggrieved they feel. An apology will also normally reduce any tariff applied for the sending off offence.

In the event of a red card, the team manager must immediately inform the Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee and the Club Secretary (details below).

Unacceptable Behaviour

The Disciplinary Committee is responsible for investigating and taking appropriate action in relation to the conduct of all involved in the game including the behaviour of spectators at the ground, including removing spectators from the ground or imposing bans and the RFU may also take action against the individuals concerned. We urge everyone to follow the RFU Codes.

The Disciplinary Committee

The Committee is appointed to uphold both the letter and spirit of the law. As a committee we are committed to supporting and advising anyone who needs to appear before the RFU, Yorkshire or Sheffield disciplinary committees.

Red Card Contacts
Disciplinary Head: Paul Bradwell (
Club Secretary: Chris Stanney (

We would like to wish all players, coaches, team managers, parents, Vice-Presidents, supporters and spectators an enjoyable and successful season.

Kind regards,
Sheffield RUFC Disciplinary Committee

Further reading