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Lulu Blundell – our youngest ever Honorary Vice President

Callum Robinson24 Feb 2021 - 11:00

“Rugby can encourage and inspire us to achieve the best of our potential. It is, first and foremost, a state of mind, a spirit”

Many of us at Sheffield RUFC have met and been inspired by someone who truly personifies that ethos. If you aren’t already familiar with Lulu’s story, here’s a link that’ll give you an outline:

The normal criteria for offering someone the honour of being a Vice President is to thank them for what they’ve done for the club. Lulu certainly fulfils that requirement in the way she’s inspired so many of us across all our sections. But there’s much more to the story than that. Truth is, we’re honoured to have Lulu – and her family – as part of our club!

Not satisfied with having overcome some extraordinary personal challenges, Lulu through her patient fund has so far raised over £45,000 for the Teenage Cancer Trust; her way of thanking them for all the support she’s received and making sure they’re able to support others in need.

She’s also looking for ways she can have a practical input to the continued development of our Swans and Ladies sections. Never mind continuing with her studies, aiming to attain a place at University, aspiring to acquire a PHD in linguistics, and eventually becoming an English teacher. She also hopes to continue with her sports and has started a programme of physical training after finishing chemotherapy just a year ago.

In one of the videos linked-to at the end of this introduction, you’ll be inspired to hear the story of how Bill McLaren overcame great hardship to become that greatest of rugby commentators. I, for one, wouldn’t bet against Lulu doing something equally inspiring!

Nigel Parsons
Sheffield RUFC President

At the top of the article, you will find messages for Lulu from Nigel Parsons (Sheffield RUFC President), Kyran Bracken (World Cup Winner), Emily Glendenning (Ladies Chair) & Ian Robertson (International Player & Broadcaster).

Below you will find messages from Matt Dawson (World Cup Winner) & Michael Vaughan (England Cricket Captain).

Further reading