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Parents and Spectators - Code of Respect

Parents and Spectators - Code of Respect

Chris Johnson12 Oct 2021 - 21:38
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With an unprecedented amount of abuse and ill discipline at junior football matches we should all remind ourselves of what we are here for.

By setting a good example, we’ll help build a supportive environment in which everyone can enjoy themselves
- The Football Association

If we all behave positively during practice and matches, it will create a great environment for our young players to thrive.

Play your part and please support The FA’s Code of Respect

  • Have fun; it’s what we’re all here for!
  • Celebrate effort and good play from both sides
  • Always respect the Referee and coaches and encourage players to do the same
  • Stay behind the touchline and within the Designated Spectators Area (where provided)
  • When players make mistakes offer them encouragement to try again next time
  • Never engage in, or tolerate offensive, insulting, or abusive language or behaviour

If you do not follow the code you may be:

  • Issued with a verbal warning or asked to leave
  • Required to meet with the club committee, league or County FA Welfare Officer
  • Obliged to take an FA education course
  • Requested not to attend future games, be suspended, or have membership removed
  • Required to leave the club along with any dependants and/or issued with a fine


FA Respect Code of Conduct (Spectators and Parents)

Further reading