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Newport Away and a well earned training session

Newport Away and a well earned training session

Jim Porter14 Mar 2022 - 18:57
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Weekly Winners

The start of March saw us back to normal games after the Tour and Leicester Tigers trip. We travelled across to Newport where we showed how well we've come on around the tackle and breakdown area, with some great rucking and plenty of honourable mentions. The week's trophy winners came out on top of a very high standard of rugby all round, well done boys! Then this week was a well overdue training session with a great turn out of 31 players! We worked on the performance from last week building on tackling technique and ruck positioning. Again many put their name in frame for the trophies but with no one making use of the extra points on offer for passing through the gate only the Tackling Titan and Space Invader were awarded. Again well done boys!!
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