Ground Day

Ground Day

Saturday 17 August 2024
10:00 - 13:00
Claire Hands
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We need your help!!!

Ahead of the 2024/2025 season, we want to make sure our home ground is looking clean, tidy and professional!

We have got a number of tasks to do: clean out the locker, sort through kit, build new goals, bits and pieces of DIY & fixing things etc.
A group of us will be on site from 10:00 - 13:00 and we would very much appreciate some help from you all. If you have 20 minutes or an hour to spare, please let us know.

Many hands make light work so the more people that can help, the quicker we will be! There may even be reward in the form of food for those who make the effort...

Please put attending on the event or message JP if you plan on heading over.
Thank you!

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1 members attending
Jon Turford
Jon Turford