If you are interested in any of the below VACANT roles, please contact us:admin@solihullfc.co.uk
Role: Chairperson
Currently held by: Committee
Role description:
- Provide leadership and direction for the club with the committee
- Oversee the work of the Club Committee
- Chair meetings of the club
- Advocate of the football club for the local community
- Apply to the FA's Community Awards
- Organise a pre-season briefing for players and parents/carers at the start of each season detailing acceptable standards of behaviour
- Attend the club structures and Good Club Governance In-service event organised by the BFA
- Ensure that the New Managers “Welcome Pack” is updated annually and that all new coaches/managers receive a copy
Role: Vice Chairperson
Currently held by: VACANT
Role description:
- Support the Chairperson
- Support all other committee members with their roles
- Be prepared to step into the role if Chairperson is absent
Role: Club Secretary
Currently held by: Nigel Canning
Role description:
- Official contact between club and County FA and other clubs
- Take equipment orders and managed club spend with treasurer
- Ensure all teams affiliated with BFA by 1st July every year and entered into the appropriate leagues, including seniors
- Ensure effective correspondence and communication, liaise with club communications
- Attend the club structures and Good Club Governance In-service event organised by the BFA
- Ensure the club fully supports the FA Respect Programme through the purchase of Respect Barriers
- Assist Charter Standard Coordinator with FA Charter Standard annual health check
- Ensure that Team Managers are regularly reminded to check goalposts before each game. When they need to be replaced apply to the Goalpost Safety Programme at the Football Foundation
- Seek recognition of good football development work and recognise important role of club volunteers by applying for County FA Community Awards
Role: Treasurer
Currently held by: Phil Smith
Role description:
- Manage and administer finances of the club with the secretary who makes purchases
- Create annual income and expenditure sheets and balance sheets
- Create and maintain a cash book for at least two years
- Ensure all payments and fines are paid on time and recorded
- Support all fundraising and sponsorship opportunities
Role: Welfare Officer
Currently held by: Sarah Stroud
Role description:
To be clear about the clubs responsibilities when running activities for children and young people. This involves:
- ensuring these responsibilities are well understood by others
- working with the Youth League Welfare Officer (YLWO)
- working with your County FA Welfare Officer
- promoting The FA’s Respect Programme and helping to develop best practice processes
To help club personnel understand what their ‘duty of care’ towards children and young people actually means and entails on a day-to-day basis. In order to carry out your responsibilities you need to follow these simple steps:
Put in place:
- a safeguarding children policy, anti-bullying policy and equality policy
- responsible recruitment processes including the taking up of references and submitting FA CRB checks (getting the right people into the game)
- The FA Respect Programme codes of conduct
- what the Respect Programme aims to do
- the benefits of implementing the Respect codes
- the quick wins to be gained by using The FA’s safeguarding children best practice guidance (e.g. Travel, Trips and Tournaments, Photography guidelines, Anti-bullying Policy and Safeguarding Children Policy Template)
- why certain roles require an FA CRB check and how The FA CRB process works
- how to refer a concern about the welfare of a child
Communicate with:
- club officials about the Respect Programme and its aims
- parents/spectators and get them to sign up to the Respect codes
- parents and new players by getting involved with running ‘start of season’ welcome sessions for members
- coaches and managers about the importance of being consistent role models for their players
- your Youth League Welfare Officer – introduce yourself, find out how they can support you and let them know what you are doing to safeguard children in your club
- your County FA Welfare Officer if you need help or advice
- The FA by taking part in surveys, questionnaires, focus groups as and when asked
- parents to complete the Respect education programme
- coaches, team managers, first aiders/medics to complete The FA’s Safeguarding Children Workshop
- coaches and team managers to listen to their player’s thoughts, ideas and views
- the committee to make use of the Respect Programmes designated spectator area at all games
- repeated incidents of poor behaviour and liaise with your committee (and where necessary Youth League Welfare Officer or County FA Welfare Officer)
- compliance with FA CRB checks through The FA CRB Unit for those who require one using The FA Safeguarding Online System
Role: Assistant Welfare Officer
Currently held by: Will Collis
Role description:
- Same as Club Welfare Officer
Role: Membership Secretary
Currently held by: VACANT
Role description:
- Review of Subscription policy and provide annual recommendation to Management committee of proposed subscription levels for subsequent season.
- Liaison with team managers to ensure records are kept accurate and subscriptions are paid.
- Overview of subscription renewals and provide updates to Committee.
Role: Volunteer Co-ordinator
Currently held by: VACANT
Role description:
- Attend the How to Support and Develop Coaches Club In-service organised by the BFA and ensure Committee know about changes that need to be implemented
- Advertise for and recruit new coaches/volunteers
- Ensuring coaches/volunteers are inducted to the club
- Provide coaches/volunteers with a brief of their role
- Ensure there is a training programme for coaches/volunteers
- Ensure coaches/volunteers are recognised and rewarded.
- Organise a volunteer and player awards evening. Set up an organising committee.
- Actively identify and recruit female volunteers, parents and players to become Coaches.
- Work with FA Skills Coaches to develop volunteers and players by organising two sessions per year with FA Skills Coach
- Ensure all Club Coaches hold a minimum of FA Level 1 and FA CRB check
- Maintain an up to date list and book new Coaches onto County FA courses.
- Ensure all existing Coaches and appropriate volunteers have valid FA Emergency First Aid and Safeguarding Children qualifications.
- Identify expiry date of existing Coaches and volunteers’ qualifications through Member Services.
- Ensure all Coaches that work with U16s and below teams attend In-service event organised by the club through the BFA.
- Register all Coaches on FA Licensed Coaches site
- Ensure that at least one coach per year obtains FA Level 2 qualification
- Ensure that at least one coach per year attend The FA Youth Award (Level 3) Module one
- Ensure that at least one coach per year attend The FA Youth Award (Level 3) Module two
Role: Charter Standard Co-ordinator
Currently held by: Nigel Canning
Role description:
- Coordinating, compiling and developing the evidence required for the club to achieve Charter Standard status.
- Complete the Annual Health check before 31st March each year
- Coordinating the production and delivery of a club development plan
- Recruiting a team of club volunteers to support the Charter Standard process
- Ensuring that there are the human and financial resources to deliver on the development plan
- Advocating the Charter Standard Club Programme at meetings, with managers and committee members, ensuring long term commitment to the programme
Role: Fixtures/Pitch Booking Secretary / Facilities management
Currently held by: Will Collis
Role description:
- Ascertain the pitch requirements for the club on an annual basis;
- Liaise with pitch owners (eg. Councils/schools, etc.) re hiring of pitches and possible/best layout of pitches
- Obtain each team’s fixture list prior to the beginning of the season and compile a table of fixtures for the whole club showing site and pitch allocation
- Communicate and liaise with team managers and pitch owners as required re changes to the agreed fixtures and pitches table
- Monitor the state of the pitches and deal with any issues relating to this
- Ensure access by team managers to the pitches and equipment storerooms.
- Communicate any postponements due to inclement weather.
Role: Football in the Community / School Liaison Officer
Currently held by: VACANT
Role description:
- To establish links with local schools
- Meeting the school at least twice a year
- Ensuring schools receive information of club activities
- Develop opportunities for young leaders and players.
Role: Small Sided Football Secretary (up to u9s)
Currently held by: John Reilly
Role description:
- Official contact between club and CWYFL
- Support the Club Secretary
Role: Football Development Officer
Currently held by: Adam Batstone
Role description:
- Supporting the work of the first team manager - scouting players, assessing opponents & preparing reports
- Assisting in driving the technical programmes of our junior & youth network
- Overseeing & ensuring the continued improvement, growth & development of managers, coaches & players.
- The continued co-ordination, development, improvement & progression of all sections & age-groups within the club.
- The seamless transfer & progression of players, managers & coaches within Solihull FC.
- The setting up & development of specialist initiatives such as Special Needs/Disability & Walking Football in partnership with the Birmingham FA
Role: Mintues Secretary
Currently held by: Paul Maroney
Role description:
- Take minutes at the monthly Committee / Managers meetings and also the yearly AGM.
- Circulate typed minutes/actions to committee and attendees via e-mail.
Role: Events and Social Coordinator
Currently held by: Allan Bailey
Role description:
- Organise social events to bring the players, officials, parents and all members together in a social setting to enhance relationships within the club. We are willing for anyone organising an event to take a share of the profits for their time.
- To promote healthy participation in a fun club
Allan's other duty is:
- Manage and source kit, liaise with suppliers and communicate with managers and parents
Role: Press Officer & communications
Currently held by: Tom Rudge
Role description:
- Collating results, match reports and pictures and sending through to local newspapers and publish on website.
- Create and update Facebook and Twitter accounts on behalf of the club plus use other social media to increase club's profile
- Actively promote playing opportunities through posters in local community centres, schools and other community venues
- Advertise for volunteers. Promote opportunities through word of mouth, posters, leaflets and local media
- Issue a minimum of 4 press releases to local media per year
- Maintenance and upkeep of membership database and details to ensure (where possible) Club has accurate mailing and contact details.