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King Kev has the best pins!

King Kev has the best pins!

Silas Bingley8 Apr - 18:10
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Giant man meets diminutive woman

Last Friday saw the Spitfires head out for the first social of the season. A night of bowling in Eastleigh.

The evening consisted of two games of bowling, drinks, food and most importantly a trophy. With the first game of the evening, the trophy was up for grabs with 7 people all in touching distance of winning. However as the evening wore on, consistency became an issue for many of the players. However one man stood tall and continued to knock over the pins with unerring consistency.

With the highest combined score of all 10 players, the winner with a score of 242 was Kev!

Well done KV, well deserved and we hope the trophy has now taken pride of place at home.

Plans are already underway for the next social event. Keep checking the website for more details and updates.

Further reading