Mens First Team
Sat 08 Feb 2020  ·  North West Hockey League - Division 2 North
Horwich Mens 1's
South Lakes Hockey Club
Mens First Team
S Smith (5')
Horwich Away

Horwich Away

Tom Clements10 Feb 2020 - 13:53
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Horwich hackers overpower South Lakes

This week South Lakes Men's team travelled to Horwich. The day was going well, storm Ciara had held off a day, everyone arrived on time for the meet up, Lake's were good to go! Except for Alfie…he forgot his hockey stick... and shirt... and socks. At least he had his match subs!
Lucas got the usual burger King at the service station which will probably send him into further debt with his mam but at least his stomach was satisfied.
Due to an umpire needing to leave very soon after the game, Lake's had a short warm up but this didn't bother them, as soon into the first half they Stuart Smith scored from a well worked team goal, assisted by Lee Storey. This sparked Horwich into life however, as they came back after the goal with numerous aggressive attacks which saw them score 3 routine penalty corners. Another late goal meant the first half ended 4-1.
Although the opposition had the scoreline, Lakes improved in the second half after a strong team talk by their captain Danny an vice captains Clutz and Clemmo
Lakes finished the second half having put names on their passes and communicating more as a team overall. Unfortunately, the final score was 6-1 to the opposition however, taking the positives, the lads hockey improved and progressed by the end of the match.
The away day was concluded with Danny thinking he left his pants at the away team's grounds having to drive there and then back to the establishment which the team had pies at, making it a close vote for DOD.
Man of the match – Stuart Smith
DOD – Alfie Smith with honorary mention going to Dan Davey.
Match report by Alfie Smith

Match details

Match date

Sat 08 Feb 2020



Meet time



Red Kit


North West Hockey League - Division 2 North

League position

Horwich Mens 1's
South Lakes Men's 1s
Team overview
Further reading