Matchday Information

Matchday Information

Where is the club based?
The club are based in South Shore, Blackpool. Playing at The Brian Addison Stadium, formerly known as The Royal British Legion until 2017 when the stadium was renamed after long serving president, Brian Addison.

The Brian Addison Stadium,
School Road, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY4 5DS
Squires Gate contact number: 07881767443 (John Maguire, Secretary / Co Chairman)

How can I find you?
By train
The nearest train station is Squires Gate which is approximately 1.9 miles from the stadium. When you arrive at the station, turn right onto Squires Gate Lane and walk 1.3 miles until you reach Common Edge Road, turn right. Walk 0.4 miles, you will walk past The Shovels pub and then take the next left onto School Road. The stadium will be on the left.

Bus Travel
There are bus stops right outside the ground, and also Common Edge road (opposite The Shovels).

You can find the latest bus timetables here:

What will it cost to attend a game?
Adults (19+) £7.00
Concessions (17, 60+) £4.00
Under 16s FREE

All admission is via the turnstiles and there is no need to purchase tickets in advance. .

Matchday Programme
Our matchday programmes are produced by Dan Hayden, Jay Hayden and James Ashton and we feel it is a very important part of a match day experience. Our programme "Talk Of The Gate" was rated in the Top 6 programmes in the division last season and it is packed with content every home game.
You can pick it up from the turnstile, for just £2.50 (40 pages, full colour)

Are there refreshments available?
We have a full range of refreshments available for visitors, which can be found in our clubhouse, open on matchdays. We have alcohol, soft drinks and hot drinks which will be available before, during and after the match. Be sure to pick yourself up a delicious pie, with gravy or mushy peas, or even on it's own - whichever you fancy!


We have a selection of badges, scarves and hats behind the bar which you can purchase on matchdays.