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Danny Campbell let go

Danny Campbell let go

ADMIN17 Feb 2011 - 17:46
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Matty Elliot has agreed to let Striker Danny Campbell leave the club after he failed to make an impact at Marston Road.

Danny was snapped up by former Boss Tim Flowers after impressing the management team with his impressive goal tally of well over 20 goals in just 23 appearances for Tipton Town. However after Matty Elliot took over the Manger's job Campbell has found his first team chances limited as Elliot brought in two of his own Strikers.

Elliott said: “Basically he is looking elsewhere, we have spoken to each other and Danny agreed that things were not working out, so he is on the lookout for a different club.

He was also impressed with his fringe player's performance's in there 4-2 win in the Staffordshire's Senior Cup game against local rivals Hednesford Town on Tuesday night and singled out midfielder Tom Moss for special praise .
He added: “It proved to me that I have got players on the fringes capable of stepping into the team.
“Tom is a decent footballer, that has never been in doubt, but if you knuckle down sometimes things can change for you.”


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