The nets at the club are now open on a carefully controlled basis. This page covers guidance for member bookings of the batting cage which will be positioned on the practice wickets on the front square.
This decision to open the nets is based on information and guidance from the Government and the ECB, and is in-line with other major cricket clubs in the area.
Below are some key points:
- Check for symptoms of COVID-19. In line with current guidance, if you are symptomatic, living in a household with a possible COVID-19 infection or if you are classified as extremely vulnerable on health grounds, you should remain at home and follow Government guidance
- Hands should be washed thoroughly before leaving home and on return. We suggest bringing hand sanitiser / wipes to use before and after your session
- Avoid public transport if at all possible
- All sessions must be booked in advance. You MUST NOT use the nets without a booking. Doing so risks the closure of the nets
- Sessions start on the hour and must finish promptly 5 minutes before the next session starts. Please aim to arrive as close to your start time as possible and leave promptly after your session is complete
- Net usage must follow the Government’s social distancing guidelines. The latest ECB guidelines can be found here.
- Bowlers should use their own ball
- Batters should avoid handling the ball and use their feet or bat to return the ball to the bowler
- Players must bring their own protective equipment. Do not share equipment
- Equipment not in use should be put away in a zipped bag
- For juniors a parent or adult member of the player’s household must be on site and available in case first aid needs to be administered
- Bookings must be through our online booking system
- The member who has booked the nets must have the name and contact details of everyone using the net at the time. This is to allow contact tracing in the event of a virus outbreak. All members must confirm that they and their households are free from Covid-19 symptoms.
- As per the current guidelines, the net is limited to a maximum of 6 people unless the session is organised by the club.
We know that players will be keen to get back down to the club to have a net as quickly as possible. Please ensure you respect the guidelines set out so we can all continue to make use of the facilities. Breach of these guidelines may result in the nets being closed for everyone