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St Albans RFC joins the St Albans Chamber of Commerce

St Albans RFC joins the St Albans Chamber of Commerce

Andy Harris7 Jul - 07:26
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Earlier this year the Blue and Gold proudly became a member of the St Albans Chamber of Commerce

We are delighted that St Albans Rugby Club has joined the St Albans Chamber of Commerce.

Since its inception, St Albans Chamber of Commerce has been supporting local businesses in St Albans and the surrounding areas of Harpenden, London Colney, Redbourn, Sandridge, and Wheathampstead.

They aim to connect companies (both members and non-members) through their networking events to help build and foster long-term relationships, support through mentoring, training and workshops and engage with members to understand the local issues that impact their day to day operations.

For our rugby club, this has been three years in the making and its an important milestone in our long-term Commercial strategy. For us, we aim to increase awareness of our club within the local community as well as improve relationships with our existing sponsors and increase our sponsorship following to support the clubs on field ambitions.

The funding that we receive from local companies plays a key role in our ability to expand our rugby offering whilst also supporting the growth of our events business to make the club sustainable for years to come. We very much look forward to working closely with the Chamber moving forward.

Thank you to the Directors at the Chamber and the other members for the warm welcome and we look forward to working together moving forward.

For more information about the Chamber and what it does for St Albans, please visit their website.

Further reading