


* The name of the club shall be the St. Edward's Old Boys Rugby Union Football Club.

* The club is affiliated to the CI Edwardian Association.

* The club shall run as many teams as playing strength and available playing facilities permit.

* The 1stXV will as a matter of course compete in the national league structure in accordance with the club's current status therein.


* Membership of the club shall be open to all irrespective of whether they are former pupils of St. Edward's College.


* Each Member will be required to pay an annual subscription. Three forms of membership will be available:

* full membership

* country membership

* student/unemployed membership

* Additional subscriptions will be set on an annual basis for Members attending training and participating in matches.

* Subscription rates will be set each year at the club's Annual General Meeting.

Annual General Meeting

* An Annual General Meeting of the club shall be held in May each year.

* The Annual General Meeting shall consider the following matters:

* Annual Club Accounts

* Budget Proposals for the following season including subscription rates (Annual, Match and


* Chairman's Report

* Secretary's Report including Nomination of Officers.

*Additional motions to be considered at the Annual General Meeting to be submitted to the Club Secretary at least one week prior to the date of the meeting, subject to Rule 22 below.

Extraordinary General Meetings

* Extraordinary General Meetings may be summoned by the Management Committee or by requisition of one third of the club's membership or twenty members whichever is the lesser.


* The Club's Management Committee shall comprise the following:

* President

* Honorary Life President

* Chairman

* Deputy Chairman

* Secretary

* Treasurer

* Membership Secretary

* Club Coach

* 1st XV Manager

* 1st XV Captain

* 1st XV Vice-Captain

* 2nd XV Manager

* 2nd XV Captain

* 2nd XV Vice-Captain

* The quorum for meetings of this Committee shall be four. In the absence of a quorum, outstanding matters shall be held over to the next scheduled meeting of the Committee.

* Urgent matters, which cannot be await the next scheduled meeting, shall be delegated to the Chairman acting in consultation with two further Committee members

* Meetings will be scheduled for the first Tuesday in each month or the nearest convenient date. A schedule of proposed meetings will be drawn up and agreed at the club's annual general meeting.

* Further meetings may be called at the discretion of the Chairman/ Secretary or by request at an earlier meeting of the Committee. At least one week's notice of such meetings will be provided to Committee Members.

* Committee Members shall be requested to submit apologies to the Secretary prior to not attending a meeting. A Committee Member not attending three consecutive meetings shall submit an explanation to the Committee. Further persistent non-attendance shall require the Committee to reconsider the Committee Member's position.

* Each scheduled meeting shall as a matter of course consider the following matters:

* Current financial position and related issues (Treasurer)

* Update on correspondence (Secretary)

* Membership and Subscriptions (Membership Secretary)

* Recruitment and Playing issues (Club Coach/ 1stXV Captain/ 2ndXV Manager/ 2ndXV Captain)

* Any other matters which the Chairman deems appropriate.

* A non-Committee Member may request that a matter be considered by the Management Committee. Such requests should be submitted to the Club Secretary at least three days prior to a scheduled meeting and may be accompanied by a request to attend the meeting to raise the matter in person.


* The Club's Selection Committee shall comprise the following:

* President (or Honorary Life President)

* Chairman of Selectors

* Club Coach

* 1st XV Captain

* 1st XV Vice-Captain

* 2nd XV Manager

* 2nd XV Captain

* The quorum for such meetings shall be three members. In the absence of a quorum, selection matters shall be delegated to the Chairman of Selectors acting in consultation with the Club Coach and 2ndXV manager.

* Selection Committee Meetings shall be held on Tuesday evenings prior to each scheduled fixture and shall consider the selection of teams as appropriate.


* The Club's Disciplinary Committee shall comprise the following:-

* President

* Chairman

* Club Coach

* 1st XV Captain

* Secretary

* The quorum for such meetings shall be two members. In the absence of a quorum for a meeting, disciplinary matters shall be delegated to the Chairman acting in consultation with the President and Secretary.

* Meetings of the Disciplinary Committee shall be arranged on an ad hoc basis as and when disciplinary matters arise.

* Where a club member is the subject of disciplinary allegations to be considered by the Committee, the member shall be invited to attend the meeting to make representations in their own defence prior to the Committee's deliberation on the matter.

Review, Amendment and Interpretation of the Constitution

* The Constitution shall be reviewed on an annual basis and submitted to the Annual General Meeting of the Club for approval.

* Amendments to the constitution may only be agreed by a majority at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting of the Club. A proposal to amend the constitution may be submitted by the Management Committee at least one week prior to an Annual or Extraordinary Meeting. Alternatively one third of the membership of the club or twenty members, whichever is the lesser number, may propose an amendment subject to the Secretary having received the proposal at least two weeks prior to a scheduled Annual or Extraordinary General meeting.

* The Chairman of the Club, or in his absence the Deputy Chairman or Secretary, may interpret these rules should this be required and the respective Club Officer's judgement on the matter shall be final.