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New Signings Anyone . . . . .

New Signings Anyone . . . . .

Gaz Stevenson13 Jul 2022 - 18:03
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We've got 4, yes 4 of them for you!! Forget Sterling to Chelsea, this is the big transfer news of the day!!

⚽️✍ #1

First up, we are delighted to welcome Sam Corbishley to Georgians.

Sam is a commanding central defender who has been with Altrincham FC whilst gaining experience on loan at West Didsbury & Chorlton and Eccleshall FC in recent seasons.

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Big welcome to Goalkeeper Harry Roper

Harry was signed after 2 impressive performances against us whilst playing for Old Alts FC last season. He was also a key part of the cup winning Irlam FC U18 side.

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Next up, another big welcome Sean Dorsey.

Sean is another former Old Alts FC player who impressed in his outings last season. Sean is a quick, tricky winger with the versatility to play a number of different roles

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For our final signing today we welcome (back) Goalkeeper James Hodges.

James played for us on a few occasions before moving up the pyramid and representing both Hyde United & Tadcaster Albion.

What a fantastic day of signings for Stockport Georgians. A very warm welcome from everybody at the Club to Sam, Harry, Sean and James. We wish you all and the first team the best of luck for the up and coming season

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