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1. The Club shall be known as Stoke Golding Football Club (SGFC) and will be affiliated to the
Leicestershire and Rutland County FA.

2. The Club’s Annual General Meeting will be held no later than 4 weeks after the Financial Year

2.1 The AGM shall not be held during a recognised school holiday period.

3. The Club shall be run by an Executive Committee elected annually at the AGM. Offices to be:


Club Secretary


Social Secretary

Child Welfare Officer

Administration Officer (Communication & Website)

Team Representatives (one per team).

The Executive Committee will take up their posts immediately after the AGM and shall act in accordance with rules 3.1 to 3.5. (Where required, the outgoing committee member can act in an advisory role up until 1st August, should the new elected member agree).

3.1. Deal with all matters financial.

3.2. Appoint the team managers in accordance with rule 4.

3.3. Serve on the Club Committee.

3.4 Have full voting rights with the exception of the Chairperson who shall act in accordance with rule 3.5.

3.5 The Chairperson will only cast his/her vote in the event of a tied Committee vote. He/she shall however, be entitled to air their point of view within discussions.

4. The Executive Committee shall appoint the managers of the individual teams on a yearly basis following the AGM.

4.1. In order to ensure continuity the Executive Committee are charged to appoint the managers on a natural progression basis (i.e. the manager of the U8’s automatically becomes the manager U9’s etc.) providing:

4.1.1 The Manager still wishes to act in that post.

4.1.2 There is not within the general body of the Club a majority of parents against his/her reappointment.

4.2. The appointed managers shall serve on the Club Committee and have full voting rights within it.

4.3. Rule 3.5. applies to the Club Committee.

5. The Team Managers will appoint Assistant Managers and/or Coaches to the team under his/her control and will be responsible for all kit and equipment issued to that team from the Club.

5.1 The Team Managers are totally responsible for team selection, training etc. within the constrictions laid down in rules 5.2 and 5.3.

5.1.1 The Team Managers are responsible for any outstanding or unresolved fixtures. This also includes forwarding maps and directions to opposition managers unless the Secretary has confirmed he/she is willing to undertake the role. However, it is still the responsibility of the MANAGER to inform the opposition of any changes and/or problems with completing the fixture. The cancellation of fixtures must be carried out as per the Handbook rules relevant to each League.

5.2 The Team Managers are charged to field as strong a team as possible when the Club are involved in competitive games. They are also charged however, to ensure that all eligible players are involved in none competitive (friendly) games.

5.3 In accordance with League and FA rules all players must be bona fide members of the Club.

5.4 All items of sporting equipment and kit however obtained/purchased/donated remains the property of SGFC.

6. The Chairperson shall preside over all Executive and Club Committee meetings.

6.1 In the absence of the Chairperson each Committee shall be able to execute Club business
providing a majority is forthcoming in the event of a vote.

7.0 A selected person from amongst the committee shall record and publish a formal recording of the proceedings of all meetings and committee activity. This document must be released to any club members upon request, without exception.

8.0 The Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping accurate and up to date records of all Club financial matters and provide them at intervals requested by the Executive Committee.

9.0 The financial year shall be from 1st April to 31st March each year.

10.0 The Treasurer shall present to the Chairperson the accounts for audit verification within two weeks of the end of the financial year.

11.0 If the Club ceases to exist as Stoke Golding Football Club then all remaining Club funds will be distributed evenly between all registered players at the time of declared extinction.

13.0 All signed players, team managers, coaches and committee members will be deemed members of the Club. Club members under the age of 16 years will be represented by a parent/guardian in respect of voting rights.

14.0 Any person who has any criminal conviction which prevents him/her from involvement in juvenile activities may not be associated with the Club.

15.0 Subscriptions shall be: See Page 2 of the annual SGFC Handbook.

16.0 All players, their families and other Club members are to ensure that their behaviour when involved in any Club activity do not give cause of offence to any other person.

17.0 Fines incurred by Club members are paid at the discretion of the Club.

18.0 All disciplinary matters shall be dealt with by the Club Committee who shall inform any person of their decision in writing.

19.0 Insurance cover shall be provided on a per team basis to the uppermost standard required by the individual team’s league.

20.0 The Club cannot be held responsible for any loss of or damage to property of any individual during a Club organised event.

21.0 Extraordinary General Meetings shall be called by the Club Secretary if requested by 50% of Club members.

22.0 The rules can only be amended, changed or deleted at the AGM or an EGM.

Signed for season 2013 – 2014

John Cornick

As agreed at AGM on 29/03/2012
