The code sets out the standards we expect at SGFC in order to ensure our Club remains one of which we can be proud. It is applicable to all players, parents, managers, coaches, supporters and any other person associated with SGFC.
The Principles of SGFC
Stoke Golding Football Club are committed to work in partnership with both players and parents to provide a Club that offers all that is best in participating in sport. We shall try to ensure that the players:
Have fun.
Learn new skills.
Improve their confidence.
Learn how to become part of a team.
Learn how to compete in a sporting manner.
We encourage all players, parents, managers, coaches, supporters and any other person associated with the Club to have pride and uphold our standards.
Players shall:
1. Adopt the highest standard of sporting behaviour at all times when involved in a Club organised event.
Players will always:
Give three cheers to our opponents at the end of a game.
Shake hands with opponents and any officials after the game.
Congratulate and encourage players who perform well.
Encourage and stand by players who have not had a successful game.
Respect their surroundings and those of their opponents.
Players will always avoid:
Deliberately breaking the laws of any game.
Pretending to be fouled or injured.
Losing self-control or retaliating, even when provoked.
Verbally abusing anyone, be they opponent, official, supporter or fellow club member.
Opposing decisions made by officials or coaches.
2. Be prepared to involve themselves fully in games and training sessions and follow instructions given by the managers/coaches.
3. Be prepared to practice skills learned in order to improve their game.
4. Have a positive attitude towards games and training sessions.
5. Keep high standards of punctuality and appearance. This includes keeping football boots clean, looking after kit supplied by SGFC and tucking shirts inside shorts when playing a game.
6. Ensure that the required kit is brought to all games and training sessions. This includes shin pads, football boots, drink etc.
7. Pay all fees and subscriptions promptly.
8. Remember at all times that they are representing THEIR CLUB.
Under FA rules SGFC is responsible for the behaviour of spectators at matches and training sessions. In order that we encourage our young people we must ensure that we set a faultless example.
Parents/Carers must:
1. Meet high standards of behaviour when watching games or training sessions:
2. Ensure that their child is punctual to all games and training sessions and that they bring the required personal equipment.
3. Inform the team manager as soon as possible if their child cannot attend any game be it competitive or friendly. Managers have answer phones so there is usually no reason why they cannot be contacted.
4. Be prepared to support their child in the practising of skills learned in training sessions.
5. Respect the SGFC issued kit (including tracksuit and rain jacket) and ensure that it is kept clean and, if necessary, repaired.
Parents/Carers must not:
Coach their own child or any other child whilst they are on the field of play unless specifically requested to do so by the team manager. (This is very important as best intended parental coaching is often at odds with the manager’s team game plan).
Be physically or verbally aggressive to anyone, be they opponent, official, supporter or fellow SGFC member.
Question the decision of the match officials.
Disrespect the team manager's decisions.
NOTE: All SGFC issued kit remains the property of the Club and if irreparably damaged shall be replaced at the cost of the parent/carer. In the event of a player leaving SGFC the kit must be returned in an acceptable condition.
Managers and Coaches shall:
1. Operate within this code of conduct and within the rules set down by the League and FA.
2. Adopt a high standard of coaching by:
Never ridiculing or singling out a player.
Showing persistence, patience and commitment.
Ensuring equality of treatment whilst abiding by the SGFC rule to field the strongest possible side during competitive matches.
Promoting team spirit so that the teams play and train for the “good of all” SGFC members.
3. Never be physically or verbally insulting to anyone, be they opponent, official, supporter or fellow SGFC member.
4. Provide a safe environment for players by:
Ensuring First Aid equipment is readily available at all times.
Ensure players always wear shin pads and that boot laces are tied.
Never use dangerous or unethical training practices.
5. Act as an ambassador of the Club when at matches by:
Greeting opponents and officials and shaking hands with them after the game.
Ensuring the players abide by their code to the extent of removing from the field of play a player not doing so.
6. Carry out all SGFC business on time, particularly with regards to the match records/cards to either the League or FA.
7. All managers/coaches should achieve Level 1 Coaching standard within the first 12 months of taking on their position.
In the unlikely event that SGFC feels obliged to discipline Club members for non-adherence to the code they shall do so according to SGFC rules.
At times, however, it may be necessary to discipline players. The team managers, who are authorised to issue verbal warnings with regard to conduct, shall do this. They shall do so, however, only in the presence of another adult and away from the player's peers.
If the disciplinary matter is of a more serious nature the matter will be dealt with by the Committee who will invite the attendance of the players' parents/carers.
SGFC will endeavour to ensure that all training sessions and matches are conducted in a safe environment. However, accidents may occur and as such the Club will ensure the following provisions are maintained:
First Aid kit available at all matches and training sessions.
Mobile phones are always present in case of emergency.
A qualified FA First Aider will be in attendance at training sessions and matches.
Insurance cover for personal injury, death and public liability etc. is maintained for all players over 5 years. (Details available from the Club Secretary.)
Team managers are charged under SGFC rule to ensure that they field as strong a team as possible in all competitive matches. Inevitably, therefore, team selection will often be based on ability with regard League /Cup matches. Managers are also charged, however, to ensure all registered players are involved in friendly matches. If your child is unfortunate enough not to be selected for a particular match please encourage him/her to remain with the Club as they will probably get their chance to play more regularly as the season progresses.
In the unlikely event of a complaint, the issue should first be discussed with the team rep or manager.
If this is not possible, the complaint should be made verbally or in writing to the Chairperson, who will assess the nature of the complaint.
If it is deemed to be necessary, the Child Protection Officer will ask for the complaint to be submitted in writing and will give details of where to send the paperwork.