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Notice of Annual General Meeting

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Ruth Hellier30 Jul 2018 - 18:30

The AGM for the club will be held on Monday 30 July @ 7.30pm at the Clubhouse, Whittome Field, Spicer Way, Great Cornard Suffolk, CO10 0GB

Sudbury Rugby Club
1 - Notice of Annual General Meeting &
2 - Progress Update since the EGM

1 - Notice of Annual General Meeting

The AGM for the club will be held on Monday 30 July @ 7.30pm at the Clubhouse, Whittome Field, Spicer Way, Great Cornard
Suffolk, CO10 0GB

Could YOU be on the Sudbury RFC Management Committee of 2018/19, or want to nominate someone who could do a great job?

Please follow this link to make a nomination AND to see the list of current nominees:

Click HERE to make/see nominations

All nominations must be made by no later than Friday 27 July.

All members are invited and encouraged to attend. If you are a voting member and unable to attend the AGM, you will be able to register your vote by email up to midnight 29 July by following this link:

At the meeting, members will have the opportunity to:
find out about Sudbury RFC's operations and finances
ask questions about the operations and finances of Sudbury RFC
speak about any items on the agenda
At the meeting, voting members will be asked to vote to:
accept the annual report
accept the financial report
elect committee members
Adopt New Club Rules (Presented by Roger Steed)

2 - Extraordinary General Meeting Highlights & Update

On 27 April 2018 the club conducted an Extraordinary General Meeting to share the concerns held by the committee & trustees as to the future prospects of the club and to present its ideas and seek comments and suggestions from members.

A copy of the presentation and minutes recorded for this meeting can be downloaded here

Click HERE to download minutes & presentations from EGM

Following suggestions from the floor, a second "Club Ideas Meeting" was held on 4 June 2018. A copy of the minutes recorded for this meeting can be downloaded here

Click HERE to download minutes of "Club Ideas Meeting"

We are pleased to report the following progress has since been made:
Sponsorship Focus: Following the incredible efforts of a small group of volunteers the club has received pledges for sponsorship of over £30,000, of which over £20,000 has already been received.

Communications Improvements: The club has renamed the Social Media & Press Committee to the "Communications & Public Relations Committee" and will be inviting the new chairperson of this committee to the Management Committee

To Promote "Our Club" Culture: The club has created a new Volunteer Sub-Committee, and will be inviting the new chairperson of this committee to the Management Committee

Financial Management: A small group of financial experts acting as volunteers have completed a review of the clubs financial and commercial position and are now developing a series of recommendations made to the committee in June.

Legal Support: A club volunteer has stepped forward to assist with legal advice relating to considerations as to whether the club should become an incorporated body.

Lottery: Members are now able to join a Club Lottery (which was in fact already in formation by volunteers prior to the meeting!)

Further reading