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Sundon Park Rangers Football Club - Club Rules

1. The Club shall be known as Sundon Park Rangers Football Club.
2. The Club home colours shall be Red and Black.
3. The purpose of the Club shall be to promote and encourage the enjoyment of
Association Football for children under seventeen years of age- to be determined as at midnight 31st July each year. The club has the power to raise funds in order to achieve the purpose of the club.
4. The Clubs financial year shall end 31 May each year.
5. An Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall take place no later than 1st July each year and will be subject to 14 days notice to Association Members.
a. All nominations for officials and committee members must be received by the Chairman from Associate Members at least seven days prior to the AGM.
b. If nominations for positions on the committee exceed the number of places available a vote will be taken at the AGM by the Associate Members present.
c. Proposals for amendment to the Clubs rules must be submitted in writing to the Secretary by Associate Members by 31 May each year for inclusion in the Agenda of the AGM.

6. There will be two categories of membership, each renewable annually upon application to the Club.
a. Associate Membership is available to adult coaches and helpers and the parents or guardians of the Clubs players upon application, free of subscription for the then current
Season. Associate Members are eligible to vote on proposals raised at any AGM or EGM. Founder Members will receive Associate Membership for life.
b. Registered Membership is available to players who qualify for one of the Clubs league teams and who have been selected for inclusion in the relevant squad of players by the appropriate team manager.
An annual subscription will be payable by every Registered Member and will be determined at the AGM each year for the forthcoming season.
Any Registered Member failing to make five appearances in a team for the Club during a season (including tournaments and friendly matches) will receive a discount of 50% on his/her subscription for the following season.
Fees payable or refundable for playing part of a season are as follows:


Date of RegistrationAmount to be paid
During October90% of the full annual subscription
During November75% of the full annual subscription
During December60% of the full annual subscription
During January50% of the full annual subscription
During February40% of the full annual subscription


Date of LeavingAmount to be refunded
During October70% of the full annual subscription
During November60% of the full annual subscription
During December50% of the full annual subscription
During January40% of the full annual subscription
During February30% of the full annual subscription
After 1st MarchNo Refund payable

Registered Members may NOT vote at any AGM or EGM.

7. The Management Committee reserves the right to decline an application for Membership.
8. All applications for membership must be supported by the applicants subscription where appropriate.
9. The Club is open to membership for both males and females.
10. Subscriptions will be paid by 1st September each year, unless agreed by the Manager and two officers of the club.
11. Each parent/guardian and the registered member will be expected to sign and
Abide by The Clubs Code of Conduct which will be supplied to them at the time of registration.

Management Committee
12. A Management Committee shall include a maximum of two individuals from each age group, which shall include Team Managers. The officers of the Committee shall be appointed at the AGM comprising:
Match Secretary
Welfare Officer
Retiring Officers will be eligible for re-election without nomination.

In addition up to three individuals will be invited to become Honourary Officers in any one season.

a. In the event of a vacancy arising on the Management Committee through the resignation of an elected member, the Management Committee may, at its discretion, co-opt Associate Members on to the Management Committee for the remainder of the then current year.
These co-opted members will have the same voting rights as members elected at the AGM.

13. A quorum of six Management Committee members is required for every meeting.
a. The Chairman may vote on issues as a member of the Management
Committee and in addition will hold the casting vote should any issue remain undecided by simple majority if he/she so wishes.
14. Members of the Management Committee will become Associate Members of the club for their term of office.
15. Management Committee meetings will be held on the last Monday of each month unless agreed otherwise.
16. The Club will appoint a Welfare Officer who will be responsible for the rights, dignity and worth of every person, player and non-player alike within the context of the game and in particular to be aware of the special needs of young people, their well being, including difficulties or possible abuse experienced from within the game or from other sources.

17. The Club shall abide by the rules of the Football Association and any league or competition into which teams are entered.
18. The Club may seek suitable sponsorship. Each age group shall be responsible for obtaining their own sponsorship for the supply of playing kit.
19. Players will compete within their own academic peer group unless the Committee approves otherwise.
20. Players will only be permitted to play one competitive game of 11-a-side soccer or like sport during any one day and will become ineligible for inclusion in the Clubs team if they have already represented the county, their school or any other team during the day. Players must inform their team manager accordingly if this situation is likely to arise.
21. Discipline fines and/or expenses to be paid by the player/parent.

Team Managers
22. Will be elected at AGM where more than one is proposed.
23. Will ensure that a properly completed membership application form is received from every player within the age group under his/her responsibility, and also collect subscriptions where appropriate.
24. Will select players to become Registered Members from the membership squad of players appropriate to that age group.
25. Will ensure all income and expenditure MUST be notified to the Club Treasurer supported by receipts or invoices. Reimbursements will not be made in advance or without the necessary receipt.
26. Will be aware that financial transactions can only be accepted at Management Committee meetings. In exceptional circumstances expenditure up to the sum of £50 can be sanctioned by the club chairman between committee meetings. The last date for any transactions will be 30th May each year. Account balances as at 30th May will be carried forward.
27. Will ensure all expenditure for the current season must be claimed by 30th May each year.
28. Will provide a copy of the clubs accounts to all parents/guardians of that Current seasons registered members that request them within seven days of the A.G.M.
29. Will maintain appearance records.
30. Will always select what he/she considers to be the strongest team from the squad of players available to represent the Club in fixtures.
31. Will ensure that shin guards are worn by all players during training sessions and matches.
32. Will ensure the equipment of every player taking to the field of play conforms to Football Association safety standards.
33. Will be responsible for the maintenance of team and player discipline and will be empowered to take any appropriate action necessary to deal with any incident, reporting all such incidents to the Management Committee for further action.
34. Will be responsible for the stock of playing kit and equipment allocated to that squad and account to the Management Committee for any losses/damage suffered at the first Committee Meeting following discovery of such loss/damage. All playing kit and equipment remains the property of Sundon Park Rangers FC.

Grievance Procedure
35. Any grievance should be put in writing by the member or his/her guardian to the Chairman. All grievances will be discussed at the next scheduled Management Committee meeting and be responded to as soon as practicable thereafter.

36. The club will take steps to insure its players in accordance with at least minimum Football Association requirements for affiliation. Public liability will also be taken in the Clubs name.
37. The Club and the members of the Management Committee accept no responsibility whatsoever for any loss or damage to any equipment or personal effects belonging to any member.

38. Bank accounts will be maintained at any financial institution approved by the Management Committee and any two of either the duly elected Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer shall be empowered to sign on behalf of the Club.
39. Rules may only be amended and new rules created as appropriate at AGM or EGM.
40. An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) may be called by application in writing by at least six Associate Members to the Chairman. The EGM is to take place within six weeks of the date of receipt of the said written application and will be subject to one calendar month’s notice to Associate Members.
41. The dissolution of the Club may only be decided at AGM or EGM and all issues will be decided by simple majority vote. In the event of the Clubs dissolution half of any remaining cash balance shall be distributed to the Keech Cottage Hospice (registered charity) or any similar registered charity operating in the Luton area. The remaining balance shall be distributed equally between any school that is actively connected with Sundon Park Rangers Football Club.
42. Officers of the Committee shall jointly have the power to apply, act upon and enforce the official rules of the Club and shall, jointly, have jurisdiction over the all matters concerning the Club and its day to day business. This includes any matters not covered by the Club rules.
43. Any matter outside of the Constitution will be dealt with by the Committee, their decision will be final.