
It is my task to ensure that all home games have match officials. This is where I need your help as the current SCFC club referee & linesman pool is very lean. You can make the difference - refereeing is very rewarding and a great way to contribute to the success of the club. The only requirement is a basic knowledge of the rules of football and an average level of fitness. Full training will be provided through a referees/linesman course conducted by the CTTFA (Cape Town Tygerberg Football Association). Thereafter an examination is available, passing which certifies you as an official SAFA level 2 referee.
Should you be interested please contact me - my contact details are below. I look forward to hearing from you.

Contact Club Captain Shaun Banfield -

We are always looking for referee's for our home games starting from the easy U7 & U9 5 vs 5 matches thru to 8 v 8 mathces for U10 & 11's and then full mathces from U12's up to U18's and Seniors.