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Neil Murrall31 Aug 2010 - 13:06

When a kind benefactor asked the Rotary Club of Wylde Green if he could pay for their name to be on the new kits at the local football club, they jumped at the chance.

Investing in young people is a high profile commitment for Rotary, emphasising that working with and for tomorrow's leaders will lead to a greater understanding amongst young people.
The football club plays in the Evo-Stik League – First Division South. Such is the size of the league that the players travel as far afield as Goole and Lincoln, Sheffield and Market Drayton.
Although the season has only just started, the fortunes of the football players can be followed at:
The sponsorship also includes the Youth Team, too.
Rotary Club President, Tony Parr commented:
‘It’s great to see young people enjoying themselves, at the same time appreciating the long lasting benefits of team working.’
He announced that the Wylde Green Rotary Club would be running a football competition for local junior schools at the end of the season and hoped that as many young people as possible would take part. He promised that the schools would be hearing from him and his colleagues in the not too distant future.
The Wylde Green Rotary Club has a varied and interesting programme at local, national and international level. A lively group of men and women, meetings are held each Tuesday evening at†Westfield†Court†Hotel, Wylde Green where a warm welcome awaits anyone interested in finding out more about the work of the†Rotary. Additional information is available by contacting Nick Thurston on 0121 378 1099 or from the Club’s website at

Sutton Coldfield Town Football Club wearing their new kit, together with (front row centre left) Tony Parr, President, Rotary Club of Wylde Green and Nick Thurston (front row centre right), Past President, Rotary Club of Wylde Green.

Rotary†Club of Wylde Green media contact
For more information please contact Carolyn McLaughlin, on 0121 352 0705, email or†visit

Key facts about†Rotary†
The main objective of†Rotary†is service — in the community and throughout the world. Rotarians build goodwill and peace, provide humanitarian service, and encourage high ethical standards in all vocations. The†Rotary†motto is "Service Above Self."†Rotarians — men and women alike — volunteer their efforts to improve the quality of life in their own communities and beyond their communities' borders. The world's†Rotary†clubs meet weekly and are non-political, non-religious, and open to all cultures, races, and creeds. Club membership represents a cross-section of local business and professional leaders.†Rotarians initiate community projects that address many of today's most critical issues, such as violence, drug abuse, youth, AIDS, hunger, the environment, and illiteracy.†Rotary†clubs are autonomous and determine service projects based on local needs.†Rotarians work with and for youth to address challenges facing young people today.

Currently there are 1.2m†Rotary†members worldwide, in more than 32,000 clubs, covering over 200 countries. In†Great Britain†and†Ireland†there are apx 56,800 Rotarians in 1838 clubs.

Further reading