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1st Team Match Report

1st Team Match Report

Pete Hyndman Jnr11 Oct 2015 - 18:24
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Match Report from the 1's game vs USW 2's

Starting Line /
Luke Martin,
Frank Tobin, Pete Hyndman, Greg King, Joe Palmer,
Tom Grey, Nick Hyden, Jordan Smith,
John Roberts, Adam Orme, Farai Hwenga.

Subs : Freddie Lewendon, Michael Davies, Dec Shepperd, Tom Bauza, Callum Connor & Victor Odiase.

A confidence builder for the 1's who ran out 10-3 winners against a below par USW 2's side.
Even without a coach the 1's played football and thoroughly deserved to be 3-0 up within 10 minutes. At the end of the first 30, Swansea led 3-0. The second 30 minutes brought utter destruction to the USW back four, John Roberts, Callum Connor and Greg King all scored to make it 6-0. USW managed to drag one back with a slightly bewildering header which looped over Luke Martin. 6-1 at the end of the 2nd 30. The Final 30 minutes allowed Tom Grey to bring on more players and they all played their part in scoring another 4. USW scored 2 in this 3rd mainly down to everyone wanting to get on to the score sheet.

A lot of positives to take from this game but everyone involved knows that the league fixtures coming up will be much more difficult.

Goals: John Roberts x 4, Adam Orme x 3, Callum Connor, Greg King and Michael Davies.

Further reading