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STATEMENT – Thackley AFC Ladies – Premier Division Status & Appeal

STATEMENT – Thackley AFC Ladies – Premier Division Status & Appeal

Ben Oliver18 Jun - 15:04
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An update on the Club's appeal with the WRCWFL

Thackley AFC are unfortunately required to make this statement addressing the current position with the Thackley AFC Ladies team and our Premier Division status, in the interests of full transparency, given actions taken by the West Riding County Women’s Football League (“WRCWFL”) and as the Club are not receiving any assistance from the West Riding County FA (“County FA”).

The statement is being made in the hope that both the WRCWFL and the County FA will now start to engage with us on the issue of our Premier Division Status and the proposal by the WRCWFL to relegate Thackley AFC Ladies to the WRCWFL First Division, following the conclusion of the 2023/2024 season (with the team not finishing in the relegation places).

Under the 2023/2024 WRCWFL rules (available here), Rule 22(B) on page 42 clearly states that only 1 team (the bottom team) from each division would be relegated. Despite a tough transitional season, Thackley AFC Ladies finished 9th out of 10 teams and therefore outside of the relegation places, retaining our position in the WRCWFL Premier Division.

Following this, the Club has appointed Steve Winterburn as the Manager of Thackley AFC Ladies. Steve has a first-class pedigree in the Women’s game, and his arrival has been a strategic one which has meant that (1) new players have expressed an interest in signing for the team (2) new sponsors have committed to joining the team and (3) new volunteers have been sourced for the team. Thackley AFC are committed to running a successful Ladies team and this was another significant investment for the Club in support of that.

The Thackley AFC Ladies players, despite a tough season, were proud to have achieved safety in the Premier Division. Although the team had a rapid rise through the leagues since its formation in 2017, the last few seasons had been difficult, but the retaining of the Premier Division status was a moment for celebration for the team and the Club, and has allowed the Club to strengthen with a view to pushing on next season and the longer term aim of promotion again.

At no point during the season were Thackley AFC contacted regarding any proposed restructure of the WRCWFL Premier Division. Shortly after the season concluded, our Joint Secretary received a call from a WRCWFL official, in which we were asked “if the team was continuing”. This seemed an odd request, and the answer was emphatically (1) yes and (2) we proposed to strengthen next season.

Shortly afterwards, the Club received notification of a restructure which would see Thackley AFC Ladies relegated to the WRCWFL First Division. Our Joint Secretary contacted the WRCWFL informally to ask if this was an error. The response was that it was thought “we would not mind”. It was again emphatically objected to, and a request to formally place the team back in the WRCWFL Premier Division, as it was felt that the WRCWFL had acted beyond the power in its league rules.

No response was received, and therefore both (1) a formal appeal was lodged and (2) we contacted the County FA to seek assistance.

The WRCWFL informed the County FA, for the first time, that the WRCWFL was now proposing to exercise power under Rule 2(L), being a restructure which could be voted on by member clubs at either an AGM or SGM. Again, this was objected to, but we were informed by both the County FA and WRCWFL that the matter was to be placed before the AGM and a vote taken by members. The County FA's position is that it cannot allegedly assist us.

On 17 June 2024, further objections were raised by the Thackley AFC Chairman to both the County FA and the WRCWFL, that this decision:

1. Meant that the sporting integrity of the 2023/2024 season had been compromised, as if Thackley AFC Ladies had known that more than one team could/would be relegated, it may have altered the team’s approach during the season;

2. No notice of the proposed restructure had been given in advance. Further, Rule 2(L) could only sensibly apply to a “forward” restructuring, and not apply “retrospectively” which would allow Thackley AFC Ladies to be relegated following the conclusion of a season;

3. Allowing the Thackley AFC Ladies divisional status to be voted on by a vote of its competitors at the AGM would clearly be unfair to the Club. Thackley AFC Ladies have worked extremely hard since 2017 to reach the Premier Division, and has retained its position on merit from its efforts on the pitch. Now, its fate would be decided by competitor Clubs at an AGM. It is only logical that the proposed 10 teams currently in the Premier Division would vote against the Club, as otherwise this would potentially mean their own status would not be guaranteed; and

4. The justification for the decision was now that the WRCWFL wished to have only 10 teams in each division to assist the “volunteers at the WRCWFL who run the league”. This does not seem to have any consideration to the volunteers who run Thackley AFC Ladies, and who have worked hard to (1) obtain and secure our Premier Division status and (2) appoint a new Manager, and attract new players / sponsors for the upcoming season. This may all be placed at risk following this unilateral decision.

Thackley AFC requested an urgent response from both the County FA and the WRCWFL before midday today given the potential for serious financial impact which the arbitrary decision may now have on the Club. Despite a number of emails, telephone calls and text messages, neither party has had the courtesy of responding.

In addition, Thackley AFC were approached last week by BBC Leeds to discuss the issue further. The Club held off making any public announcements in the hope that this matter could be sensibly and swiftly resolved with reference to the league rules, which clearly state only 1 team would be relegated. As no response has been received, the Club has spoken to BBC Leeds and an interview will air between 6pm-7pm this evening on its West Yorkshire Sport show. Both the County FA and the WRCWFL have been approached for comment by BBC Leeds, but at the time of publication we understand that neither have replied.

We are aware that sometimes a Club may be given a “reprieve” from relegation of they finish in the relegation places. However, this is the first instance which we are aware where a Club has been relegated despite finishing outside the relegation places. This issue has now taken substantial volunteer hours from those at the Club dealing with this matter.

Thackley AFC and Thackley AFC Ladies strongly believe that a team’s divisional league should be decided by its performances on the pitch. This decision has effectively stated that performances on the pitch are secondary to the desires of the WRCWFL, which cannot be correct in sport. Further, we would be astounded if such a decision would ever be made against our "Men’s Team” and / or if that would be allowed to stand. There is clear inequality in this situation.

Thackley AFC Ladies again urge both the WRCWFL and County FA to (1) engage with the Club and (2) reconsider the arbitrary decision which has been forced upon the Club to relegate Thackley AFC Ladies after the season concluded.

Thackley AFC remain committed to open and honest dialogue on this matter. However, in order to achieve this the WRCWFL and / or County FA will need to engage with us.

Further reading