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50 and 100 Club Draw Results!

50 and 100 Club Draw Results!

Tony Springer29 Nov 2023 - 12:14
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Here is the list of the big winners of the 50 and 100 club prizes from July to December 2023.

Congratulations to everyone who won a prize last year, especially Colin Mander with £500 and R Shoebridge with £100 in December.

Prizes from July as follows:

July - £25 Rick Worthington and £25 Emma Leadley
August - £25 David Snow and £25 Ray Davies
Sept - £100 David Sharpe £25 Aiden Coloe and £25 David Snow
Oct - £25 Andy Mander and £25 David Sharpe
Nov - £25 Sundip Nair and £25 David Sharpe
December Big Prize - £500 Colin Mander £25 H.Slavin and £25 John Leadley

100 CLUB
July - £10 S. Ripsher and £25 Aiden Coloe
Aug - £10 Mike Hosking and £10 John Leadley
Sept - £50 Mike Woodhouse £10 Sarah Leadley and £10 Sundip Nair
Oct - £10 C. Coloe and £10 Mike Woodhouse
Nov - £10 Aiden Coloe and John Leadley
December Big Prize - £100 R. Shoebridge £10 - Clive Edgehill and £10 Andy Mander

Remember, you've got to be in it to win it!! Contact a committee member to secure your membership and you could win ££££!!

Further reading