Dear Member
Notice is hereby given that the next Annual General Meetings for both organisations will be held at Doric Park on the above date, commencing at 7.30pm. This is an ideal opportunity to keep abreast of developments both on and off the field and step forward to help take this great club of ours forward.
Last season saw excellent performances on the field across all areas of the Club – both Senior and Junior. Our re-structure, off-the-field, was completed following the challenges presented to us by the taxation approach HMRC is now adopting towards clubs like ours.
As usual we seek nominations for Trustees, Club Officials and Company Directors to serve on the Management Board for next season, and these posts are itemised below. All nominations should be supported by 2 fully paid-up members of TRFC and either sent to me by post at 3 Coppice Wood, West Ashton Road, Trowbridge Wiltshire BA14 6DN, or by e-mail at by 30th June 2018.
We will therefore be seeking nominations for the following positions:
Trowbridge Rugby Football Club (1931) Limited – the Charity (CIO).
• 3 Trustees – current Trustees (Jon Jonik, Kevin Davis & James Cook) are able to be re-appointed by the membership – for a maximum of 5 terms.
• CIO - Management Board:
o Hon Club President
o Hon Rugby Operations Manager
o Finance & Administration Manager
o Hon Governance Manager
o Club Captain
o Hon Social Co-ordinator
o Director of Trowbridge RFC (2016) Ltd (see below)
NB: It is envisaged that we will again co-opt representatives of both the Minis and Junior Sections onto the Management Board to help the day-to-day running of the Club.
Trowbridge RFC (2016) Limited – (wholly-owned trading subsidiary).
• 3 Directors (currently Charles Roberts, Derek Tucker & Chris Lamb) – one of whom will serve on the Charity’s Management Board (see above)
Each (CIO) Board Member will again look to co-opt volunteers to help fill the other roles, and thus form sub-committees to take responsibility for their designated areas – thus widening the involvement of Club members in the day-to-day running of our Club.
Please remember we are a volunteer-focussed club, and seek your support and involvement to ensure the game of rugby is protected and developed here in Trowbridge. There are plenty of opportunities for you to step forward and help where you feel that your knowledge/expertise or interests lie.
As you can probably appreciate, there is a significant amount of reading material associated with these AGMs. “Office Copies” (of all documents listed below) will be available at Doric Park for perusal. Furthermore electronic copies can be forwarded to you upon request by E-Mail once the closing date for nominations has passed and the 2nd Calling Notice is issued. Anyone who does not have access to the Internet can request hard copies, and they will be dispatched by 2nd class post after 1st July 2018.
• Minutes of last Annual General Meetings – held on 12th July 2017
• Trowbridge Rugby Football Club (1931) – Charity
o Trustees Annual Report
o Annual Statement of Accounts as at 30.04.2018
• Trowbridge RFC (2016) Ltd
o Directors’ Report
o Annual Financial Statements as at 30.04.2018
• 2018 AGM Agendas
In accordance with our Charity Constitution I will post the agenda in the Clubhouse and on the Club’s website by 1st July. This will include a list of all nominees received for the positions previously mentioned, and any other proposals received from the membership. Members may also propose amendments to the Charity’s constitution in accordance with clause 11.3c.iv of its current constitution.
Chris Lamb
Finance & Administration Manager
07914 819580
24th May 2018.