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Fantasy 2011 !

Fantasy 2011 !

James Perkins8 Apr 2011 - 13:26

Get your teams in for the season !

The season is almost upon us and it's that time of year when all loyal TCC members together with their families & friends clamour for the chance to join in the Twycross CC Fantasy Cricket Competition.

Hopefully most of you are aware of the general workings of cricket fantasy leagues but, if not, your official organiser, Mr Neil Alexander, has written explanatory notes (attached).

Also attached are the player details which list how many fantasy points each player @ the club earnt last year and how much you will have to pay to have them in your team for the 2011 season.

This is a bit of fun which really helps towards club funds so we would really appreciate it if all players (junior & senior) plus families and friends could take part.

Please email Neil Alexander with your team (Team Name, List of Players, Captain etc) as soon as you can as the competition starts on Sat 30th April.

Cheques, made payable to Twycross Cricket Club, should be sent to our Club Treasurer:

Good luck


Twycross CC

Documents are downloadable at:

Further reading