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Veor's new kit

Veor's new kit

Gavin22 Aug 2013 - 13:30

(We have to give the backs some notice in case they need to change the colour of their boots...)

With the help of our sponsors - Property Care Builders, KW Autos, Railway Tavern, The Hair Boutique and Rudi's Message - we are pleased to confirm we have a new kit for the 2013/2014 season. As you will see from the photo, there is a change to the primary colour of our shirts (you can click on the photo to increase the size).

On behalf of the players and committee we would like to thank our sponsors for their support. Without this, it makes things difficult to continue as a club and enjoy the type of success we had last season by winning the Cornwall One league and Cornwall Clubs cup.

Below are some details on our sponsors so you can always consider their services in the future:

Property Care Builders: 01209 710066

KW Autos : 01209 219992

Railway Tavern : 01209 712389

The Hair Boutique : 01872 240954

Rudi's Message:

Further reading