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AGM report

AGM report

Adam Carmichael9 Feb - 11:15

Waverley take care of the business…

The 74th Waverley Cricket Club Annual General Meeting was held at The Bourne Cricket Club on 7th February 2025 at 20.05 hours. Present were Marcus Carmichael (“MC”), Adam Carmichael (“AC”), Chris Beanland (“Beanie”), Suzie Brewer (“Mrs B”), Peter Brewer (“Mr B”), Sam Tempest (“Troy”), Toby Elborough (“Stokesy”), Simon Brewer (“KV”), James Wright (“Mongo”), Andy du Gay (“Daddy Doogs”), Will Knox (“Will, Son of Knox”), Adrian Day (“Mog”), Scott Upward (“Fagin”) and Wayne Torrey (“Shalford Wayne”, attending via the magic of Teams). Malcolm Upward also made his Waverley AGM debut as Fagin’s taxi driver.

The minutes of the previous meeting were swiftly approved, with no matters arising. Moving on to the balance sheet (lovingly prepared by Beanie), the club remained in a stable financial position. The club’s insurance costs were expected to increase again, but on average the cost of teas was also increasing. It was agreed that, where possible, the club would try and establish the likely cost of providing tea in advance of the game. If the cost to the club was likely to be significant, players might be invited to bring their own teas if it would minimise expenses. Beanie was also happy to report that there were no match fees outstanding from 2024. Eleven players paid the membership fee which, as a reminder, entitles you to a reduction on your match fees per game – worth considering if you expect to be available for more than a handful of games. On the subject of match fees, players are reminded to please pay these immediately after the game. Cash is preferable, but if you prefer a bank transfer, please avoid delaying this (as it avoids Beanie having to chase you for unpaid fees).

On to the election of club officers and MC will continue in his role as Chairman for another season. After an excellent first season in the role, Stokesy was re-elected as Club Captain without opposition. Regarding the Vice Captaincy, it was agreed that the idea of a “floating” role had worked well in 2024 – the task had usually fallen to Fagin, who had deputised admirably in Stokesy’s absence. As such, this arrangement will continue for 2025. Beanie will continue as Club Secretary (no one else being able to match his mastery of spreadsheets and tables), as well as the Treasurer role whilst being ably assisted (with menaces) by Mrs B. Mog continues as Fixture Secretary for another season, with Fagin in the role of Child Protection Officer. Regarding the role of Membership Secretary (floated as last year’s AGM), it was felt that Waverley needed a different approach as there was no real membership base to manage. Rather, the club will look to reach out to other teams in the area and offer the chance of Sunday cricket to younger players, who play for sides that don’t have a full Sunday fixture list. A couple of clubs have already been spoken to and we will see how this develops throughout 2025.

For 2025, subscriptions and match fees will remain frozen at their current rates – £30 membership fee, with match fees being £10 for non-members, £8 for members and £5 for discretionaries (e.g. youths, students, etc).

The main item from Mog’s review of fixtures is that from 2025, the club will no longer be playing on Saturdays (it having been a struggle for several years for the club to field competitive sides over two days). That aside, the fixture list is pretty full for the coming season with a gap factored in at the end of July/beginning of August to take into account holidays – although if the availability is there, we can look to secure a fixture nearer the time. Keep an eye on the website, where the fixtures will be uploaded in due course.

The awards (having previously been presented at the Awards Night last year) were recorded for posterity:

Batsman of the Year – James Wright
Bowler of the Year – Adam Carmichael
Player of the Year – Aiden Upward

2025 Nets will be at the usual time and place, 21.00 to 22.00 at All Hallows School in Aldershot. The first session commences on Tuesday 18th February. Please make every effort to attend, to ensure everyone gets as much out of the sessions as possible.

Concluding with any other business, Mr and Mrs B were thanked for their hard work behind the scenes (doctoring the club records and collecting match day monies respectively) – essential work that allows the club to function smoothly. MC indicated that he would work on preparing some club policies, to be published on the website with the aim of formalising the club’s (currently unwritten) constitution. On the subject of the website, a move away from Pitchero was proposed and there will likely be an update later this year. Lastly, it was hoped that the next AGM could be arranged for the end of 2025, giving the members a more meaningful input on issues such as fixtures and practice ahead of the 2026 season.

With no further business, the meeting closed at 20.58 hours.

Further reading